Chapter Three

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    For the next few days, Kartería was completely silent. She was friendless and wasn't doing well in school either. After ten days, she was the only one without her family tree finished. "Mrs. Till is very concerned about her," the secretary explained to Angelina who looked at her with frustration on her face. "She has gone out of her way to deliberately refuse to do any of her simple assignments." Angelina put her hand on Kartería's shoulder, but to her, it felt like an anvil dropping on her collarbone. "She's been acting the same way at home, y'know I think there should be more discipline at this school," the conversation felt like it went on for hours before a security officer burst through the doors. "There's something you should see out in the courtyard," he said. The secretary, Angelina, and Kartería went outside to see a herd of deer on the playground being marveled at by the 2nd graders. Kartería smiled to herself, she had never seen so many animals in one place. While security and the secretary were trying to shoo them away, one of the doe stared directly at Kartería.

    The first thing she noticed was that the doe's eyes were a deep blue and it was slightly taller than the rest of them. The Doe stepped forward and continued to stare. A bit disturbed, Kartería stepped back. Seeing her fear, the doe grabbed her foot and dragged her into the forest. After almost 30 minutes of Kartería kicking and screaming and trying to release herself from the deer's grip, it finally let her go. Kartería quickly stood up and brushed herself off. She was about to run away but suddenly, the deer turned into a woman. A woman with long blond hair, Moon-shaped earrings, a white ancient dress, and beautiful blue eyes. "Sorry for the trouble, I was paid to do that," Kartería stared in confusion as Ares emerged from the bushes. "Artemis! Long time no see, darling!" he said wrapping his arm around her. Artemis turned to him and gave him a death stare. "Don't ever touch me," she said, scaring Ares enough to where he let go before she left.

"What's going on?" Kartería asked, catching Ares' attention. "Oh, yeah, right," he cleared his throat. "I am Ares, Greek God of War, and you, little one, are my niece." Kartería stared for a minute before bursting into laughter. "You're crazy," she said. "Okay, if you're so smart, then who are your parents?" Kartería's smile dropped. "Exactly," he replied. "Your father is Herakles, son of Zeus, God of Strength which means you don't belong here, you being at Camp Half-Blood," even though Kartería didn't believe a word that was being said, she crossed her arms and humored him. "What's that?" she asked. "It's basically a summer camp for reject Demi-Gods like you," Kartería frowned. "I don't believe you,"

"Then how do explain the magic deer lady? Huh?" Kartería paused. She couldn't. She would like to believe that this was all a dream, but she was the girl who was trying to figure out who her parents were, and now, that opportunity was right in front of her. She couldn't ignore it. "If he's really my dad why did he wait ten years to acknowledge me?" Kartería asked, her voice quiet and disappointment surging through it. "Because he didn't know," Kartería furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

    "Look, I'm not the one who should be telling you all of this,"

    "Can you at least tell me what Camp will do for me?"

    "You want a family right?" Kartería reluctantly nodded. "Camp Half-Blood will bring you one," before Kartería could respond, someone called her name. "Kartería!" it was Angelina. Kartería quickly looked back before turning back to Ares. "I'll think about it." As Ares watched Kartería walk away, he knew he had to work harder.


    Later that night, Kartería had gotten into Angelina's computer looking for proof that Camp Half-Blood actually existed. After not finding everything, she slammed it shut in frustration. That man wasn't Ares, he was a weirdo and Kartería had fallen for his lies. She had let him know about her one vulnerability and now she had been let on. Shaking her head in frustration, Kartería tried her best to forget that day even happened.

    The next day, Kartería was approached by one of the sixth graders, the last grade that was allowed at her school. She was frail, like all the other ones, had jet-black hair, and was significantly taller than Kartería. "You're the girl that almost died aren't you?" she said. "I didn't die," Kartería replied bluntly. "I got kidnapped by deer." seemingly out of nowhere, the girl leaned in. "I heard that if you stay with them, they'll take you somewhere special," she whispered. Kartería narrowed her eyes. When the girl was close to her face, she saw a faint tint of color not fitting her brown eyes. Gold. "Did-" Kartería stuttered. "Did Ares get you to do this?" even though she didn't believe in such a thing, even though she thought that Greek Gods existed was stupid, she let the slim chance of her being wrong overtake her. The girl tsked and transformed into a young man with shining eyes, olive-toned skin, freckles, curled hair, black jeans with embroidered suns on them, a yellow shirt, and a jacket to match his pants. The man almost had an ethereal glow to him and leaned down on the chair next to her. "Please, just humor him, Kartería. He's been bothering the entire mountain about it," he said. Kartería raised an eyebrow. "Who are you?"

"Magic deer lady's twin brother," he whispered, as a way to mock Ares. Kartería nodded in acknowledgment. "Angelina will never let me go. She already got mad when I asked about my real parents." he shrugged. "Just lie."


"Tell her it's for something else." Kartería thought to herself. "What was your name again?"


"Apollo, tell Ares he better not be lying to me,"

"Noted," Apollo said, handing her a brochure for Camp Half-Blood. "Some of my kids go there. It isn't as crappy as Herakles will make him seem." Kartería forced a smile and read the brochure. Camp Half-Blood: Where Demi-Gods Become Heroes! Kartería sighed. She hoped they were right.

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