Chapter 22

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  "Butterflies kiss my heart when he cares for me." Raelynn

Sunlight rays make Kalvin wake up, from their exhausted night both experienced. They proceeded to another five hard orgasms at night. His eyes land on his wife who sleeping, he slowly brushes her hair behind her ear, "Good morning love" and he kisses her forehead. Raelynn slowly opened her eyes and saw her husband looking at her face, "Good morning " she said with a smile and kissed the tip of his nose.

His hand slowly rubs her lower abdomen, "Are you alright, baby? Does it pain a lot?" he asks concerned. She shakes her head, "I'm fine, just hurts a bit." He nodded and kissed her lips, "Take a bath, Caramel and I make you breakfast". His words lighted her eyes and she nodded her head like a child. He chuckled and, "Wait a minute, I will be back." With saying that, he left her naked body on the bed and moved his way to the bath.

After a couple of seconds, he came back, "Caramel" he slowly called her name near her ear as she was again asleep. She hummed, "Baby, I prepare your hot bath with a toothbrush on our bath. Can I please lift your body of mine?". She giggled and lifted her arms, he lifted her body with care and made his way to bathe.

He gently placed her body in a hot tub and gave her a little massage on her head while applying shampoo. His care made her heart love him again and again like she wanted him for her breath. He kissed her temple, "I love you, baby" and she grinned wider, "I love you too, Kalvin. Thank you for being with me." and she kissed his lips."I'm blessed to have you, Caramel". The rest were silent where Kalvin focused on cleaning her sore body and with teeth whereas Raelynn stared at his face.

Once finished her bath,  he made her wear his shirt and lifted her to bed, "Take rest baby, I wake you when your food is ready" he kissed her lips and she nodded. After covering her tiny body, he went to take a shower. All this time he was in his briefs and now he stood in the shower completely naked.

"Fuck, how I'm blessed with such a beautiful girl in my life? I don't know if it was destiny plays or some shit. But I swear if anyone tried to make my girl's smile vanish, that mere thought going to be their death. My baby already had enough suffering in her past and I make sure to give her everything she deserves. She's my love, my happiness, my completeness, my breath, my woman who rules me.  I can be whatever she wants me, whatever, it already includes assassin.  Still, I can't believe I tortured a man and killed but that makes me happy. And she accepts me, that's a romantic part here. I promise Caramel, I live for your happiness and smile. I can do anything you want me to do. You tangled with my soul where I can't even find mine"

Here Raelynn's heart was completely saturated with his love and care, "When someone says in my childhood days, that my life going change something unbelievable with a truly lovely man who gives all his care, love, and respect to me, I may say it was a dream. But here I am experiencing it. I don't know why or what part of me Kalvin healed but having him in my life was a very heavenly to my inner child. In our starting days of married life, I was just scared to talk to him. Yes, he flirts with me from the very first of our meeting, but that doesn't mean he can't get any other girl in his life or not like me or my body. He proved to me I was completely wrong, he loves me, and he cares for me.

Even though I was affectionate to my adopted parents, deep inside of me always wondered, what if a man loves me? with accepting everything about me. That deep feeling was solved with Kalvin. And when he talked about Calix and how he killed a man, at first, I was shocked but what they did have is very reasonable. About Calix, I already doubt that he was doing that's illegal and it's proven. I can't understand why in this world many girls like me and Calix's sister undergo horrible things." she was consumed by sleep.

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