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Days after The two signed treaties of peace the prince was in Rome with the emperor as people were taking care of the emperor's palace as Nero followed him around with a smile on her face.

The prince wondered and asked she stopped and turned around and spoke to him about meeting her mother which the prince agreed as the two walked away and four Roman guards and German guards followed the two through the halls and corridors till they arrived to her mother's room meeting "Agrippina the Younger"

She looked at the prince with a bit of surprise seeing how her daughter and the Prince looked alike and thought of how cute of a couple they would be if they got married.

As night fell and the three talked until Wilhelm noticed the smell of something burning and then Nero and Agrippina noticed as well until they arrived on a balcony outside to see Rome burning as flames rose above the sky.

Nero began playing her instrument as Rome burned but out of sadness as her enemies began using propaganda against her as being a bad person and a horrible emperor.

Three long days of people fighting the fire and before Nero could use the public land the prince insisted on using the unused land to the east for her palace which she agreed.

(Five years later)

Nero after finding out about her Mother's Assassination on her own life and almost succeeded if Wilhelm's guards weren't ordered to protect her as the Prince left Rome for Berlin because of his father's health becoming ill.

As one of his guards shot the assassin down with his Gewehr 98 rifle and one shot Nero's mother the culprit of the assassination and Nero made it look like a suicide.

Soon when Wilhelm arrived to Rome he noticed that the people began riots and some and When the Roman senator Vindex rebelled, with support from the eventual Roman emperor Galba, Nero was declared a public enemy and condemned to death in absentia. The news spread like wildfire in Germany as Nero in her palace was afraid of her own life as Roman legionaries were patrolling the palace as a Roman soldier noticed Nero and marched towards her a single gun shot echoed out as the "start of the Roman-German war" would begin.

Soon more Roman soldiers were coming and when the German soldiers pulled Nero with them and escaped the palace as more Roman soldiers were marching towards the palace.

As Nero escaped to the German empire with Prince Wilhelm of Prussia and with approval of the current Kaiser, Kaiser Wilhelm the Second. The two would be married as combined two great empires into one.

But first was dealing with the current Roman emperor "Servius Sulpicius Galba" the current emperor of Rome as the  Year of the Emperor began and war began Rome and the German empire began.

Roman military prepared itself for a bloody battle against their more superior enemy as the two armies marched, the German Military gained the advantage as they marched through modern day Belgium and into Gallia (France) as they sacked towns and villages and pillaged their farms before burning their enemies food supply and water. As Rome largest army continues march through Raetia preparing to meet their enemies head on....

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