The Last Day of School

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About a week has passed since the incident involving the Memory Stone and everyone forgotten about all the good deeds Sunset have done for them. Right day, things appear to be normal as a few white puffy clouds lined the otherwise clear, sunny sky overlooking Canterlot City. However, today is a special in Canterlot High as the school bell rang. For today...

The Rainbooms: It's the last day of school!

Y/N and his harem cheered in excitement as summer vacation is upon them. Three mouths off from school is a student's best dream. But Sci-Twi wasn't excited, but rather dismayed.

Twilight "Sci-Twi" Sparkle is considered as the smartest girl in school and the brains of the Rainbooms. But despite her cunning intellect, it wasn't the same during her time at Crystal Prep Academy. Before moving to CHS, Sci-Twi was all lonely as her classmates at CPA shunned her in envy. The only friend she had was her purple canine, Spike. 

Then one day, while browsing in a bookstore, Sci-Twi met a boy who is known as the Hero of Canterlot High, the school's prized student, Y/N L/N. Realizing the loneliness she had endured, Y/N befriended her to ensured that she feels better, especially before and during the Friendship Games, where Sci-Twi was studying the magic surrounding CHS, only to cause trouble as she accidentally stole the magic within Y/N's harem. In the final event, after being pressured by her own teammates, the magic overwhelmed Sci-Twi, turning her into a monstrous being known as Midnight Sparkle. But luckily, Y/N and Sunset Shimmer were able to free her from this dreadful beast and Sci-Twi, wanting to learn more about friendship, moved to CHS.

But before and during the trip to Camp Everfree, just as things were smooth sailing for her, Sci-Twi was haunted by the monster who she thought was gone, Midnight Sparkle. These night terrors made her scared by what terrible things magic would do if left unchecked. But with some encouragement from her friends, Sci-Twi was able to vanquish the darkness within, help defeat Gaea Everfree, and joined Y/N's harem. 

Since then, Sci-Twi has come a long way... acing every test with ease while also helping her boyfriend and friends in studying as well. So it's no wonder why she wasn't excited about the last day of school, at least not yet.

Four hours left in this final school day as the Rainbooms were sitting together having lunch while Sci-Twi was working on some work.

Sci-Twi: It's okay, Twilight. You've still got four more hours of classes. That's plenty of time to do extra credit work.

Rainbow Dash: Four more hours?! Oh, man! Might as well be a hundred years!

Y/N: Patience, Rainbow. Can't rush time, you know.

Applejack: Yep. Just need to hold on 'til the end.

Pinkie Pie: This is gonna be so much fun! We'll have as many sleepovers as we can!

Fluttershy: *quietly* Yay!

Sci-Twi: It's barely enough time to write all my thank-you cards to the teachers!

Y/N: Relax, Sci-Twi. It's not that big of a deal.

Rarity: Absolutely! I'm sure your grades are just fine and there's no need to thank our teachers for a glamorous year. 

Sunset Shimmer: And besides, we'll be back in three months.


With no time to waste, the Rainbooms arrived at the last class of the day, Miss Cheerilee. She is seen sitting in her desk when the Rainbooms showed in front of her gaining her attention.

Miss Cheerilee: *clears throat* Ladies? Y/N?

Sci-Twi: Uh, sorry, Miss Cheerilee, it's just Y/N was—

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