Chapters 8-11

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Ight so making a small change that wasn't implemented yet but is gonna be somewhat important now. Magic has a minimum level cap of 100. Also decided to add a lot more types of powers. So yea let me just begin

but to start let me list the new power categories and shit. As well as a little note. All Categories have sub categories and all sub Categories have many powers within them. As not to Make this chapter take multiple days I wont list them

Almighty Powers: 

Description: Almighty powers transcend the limits of reality, providing wielders with unparalleled control over fundamental aspects of existence. Those possessing almighty abilities can manipulate reality, transcend time and space, and shape the very fabric of the multiverse. Such powers often come with a profound understanding of cosmic forces and the ability to influence events on a cosmic scale.

Sub categories

Reality Manipulation: Direct control over the fabric of reality, allowing for alterations, creation, or erasure.

Omnipresence: The ability to be present everywhere simultaneously.

Time Manipulation: Mastery over the past, present, and future timelines.

Dimensional Control: Manipulation and traversal of different dimensions.

Nigh-Omniscience: Near-complete knowledge and awareness of events and information.

Existence Erasure: The power to erase objects, beings, or concepts from existence.

Causality Manipulation: Control over cause-and-effect relationships.

Multiverse Manipulation: Influence over multiple universes and realities.

Meta Reality Warping: The ability to warp reality on a metaphysical level.

Conceptual Manipulation: Control over abstract concepts and ideas.


Description: Constructs involve the creation and manipulation of entities, whether physical or ethereal. Users of construct-based powers can shape energy or matter into diverse forms, ranging from solid structures to sentient beings. These creations may serve various purposes, from combat to utility, and are limited only by the imagination and skill of the wielder.

Sub categories

Energy Constructs: Shaping and creating objects using energy.

Elemental Constructs: Forming structures and entities using elemental forces.

Psychic Constructs: Creating objects or beings through psychic energy.

Tech Constructs: Generating objects through advanced technological means.

Magical Constructs: Crafting entities using magical energies.

Summoned Entities: Conjuring beings from other planes of existence.

Illusory Constructs: Creating objects or entities that exist only as illusions.

Reality Constructs: Shaping reality to create physical entities.

Living Constructs: Generating sentient and living creations.

Weapon Constructs: Crafting weapons using various energies or materials.


Description: Enhancements focus on elevating natural abilities beyond normal human limits. Individuals with enhancement powers may possess superhuman strength, speed, durability, or heightened senses. These enhancements can be applied to both physical and mental attributes, transforming individuals into formidable beings capable of feats beyond ordinary human capabilities.

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