Chapter Two

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It took Bruno almost an hour to understand how to fix Elena's leaky roof, and he was honestly thankful that Félix was such a patient man or he may have lost it on the poor lovestruck fool because Bruno had kept getting distracted thinking about Elena. Despite Bruno dozing off into daydreams about the woman he loved, all Félix did every time was chuckle and say— "You are so far gone, Bro."

After finally learning how to fix Elena's leaky roof, Bruno had found Julieta and the two headed for Encanto Town and Elena's house; Bruno with Félix's tools and Julieta with her freshly baked blueberry pie.

After Elena's parents had passed, she had inherited her family home as Elena was an only child. Her house sat on the left hand side of the main road straight down from Casita's gate. The whole walk there, Bruno held onto Félix's tool box with two ever growing clammy hands as his anxiety increased.

You can do this, Bruno. You can do this. She's not mad at you. She still loves you. He kept repeating in his mind.

Julieta looked over at his brother, saw his state of affairs, and frowned. "Calm down, Hermano. Everything will be fine. I'm absolutely positive that Elena is still madly in love with you and that she'll be excited to see you. After all, the whole town knows you're home. Or rather they know you never left."

"Wait—what?!" Bruno stopped walking. "She knows that! Oh no! She's definitely going to be mad at me. I was so close all those years and I didn't even contact her. This is gonna be bad." His anxiety peaked and he let it overwhelm him. "Nope. Can't do it. Let's go home." Bruno turned around to head back to Casita.

Julieta grabbed her brother's upper arm. "Bruno, please, listen to me." Bruno turned to look at his eldest sister. "Everything will be alright, I know it. Have faith in your love for her, and have faith in the woman you love. Everything will work out just fine."

"But what if it doesn't?"

Julieta sighed. "Think of it this way, would you rather go home and spend your whole life alone, never knowing if you could have had your happy ending with Elena? Or would you rather take the risk and have a shot at having your happy ending with her?"

Bruno didn't even have to think it over. He knew what he wanted. He'd wanted the same thing for fifteen years. "I want to take the risk."

Julieta smiled at him. "Then, let's go."

Bruno turned around and his sister linked arms with him as they made their way the rest of the way to the Muñoz house. When they got to the front door, Julieta pulled away from her brother and stepped in front of him to knock lightly on the door.

A few moments later, the door opened to reveal a short Latina with dark chestnut hair and mesmerising nut brown eyes. She smiled when she saw Julieta at her doorway. "Oh, Julieta! Just the person I needed to—" Elena was cut off as she coughed and her voice had sounded off to Bruno.

"Oh, Elena, you poor thing! You have a bad cold!" Julieta told her.

Elena nodded. "Yes, I have been sick for a couple of days."

"Why didn't you come to the house to get something for that?"

"I was too sick to."

"Oh, Elena. You could have sent someone. I would have come."

"I didn't want to bother anyone." Elena said, sheepishly. Suddenly, she realized that Julieta wasn't alone. "Br-Bruno? Is that you?"

"H—" Bruno cut himself off, then started again. "Hi, Elena. I'm here to fix your roof for you."

Elena chuckled. "But you don't know how to fix—" Another cough cut her off.

Bruno chuckled, but wanted nothing more than to pick Elena up in his arms, carry her to her bed, wrap her up in blankets, and feed her hot soup. He wanted to take care of her and make her feel better. "Ha, yeah, Félix told me how to do it. I'll get it fixed up right as rain for ya. I mean, I'll get it fixed up so the rain won't leak through anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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