Daydream 2

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I had bought master VIP tickets for a Jack&Jack concert, which included: The concert itself, the soundcheck, meet and greet photo, Q&A moment, and as an extra hanging out backstage and seeing how it all goes there. It was very expensive so I was the only one who bought that. What meant I was the only one backstage and hanging out with them. Because I was the only one I got invited around 12 midday instead of 4 o'clock. We got to talking about music. "How do you come up with lyrics and then a melody that has not been used already?" I ask. Johnson giggles. "The lyrics, I just look at G and his family and write how I think a relationship like that would be." Johnson answers. "So G is your muse." I say, and G laughs. "Exactly." Johnson says, and smiles at me. "And for the music behind it. We just make something and hope it doesn't get copyright." G says. I laugh. "You're doing it right so far. Except for Like That." I say and giggle. "That was a rookie mistake." Johnson says. "You're a joker." G says and points at me. "I mean, I try." I say and shrug my shoulders. The guys laugh. "What is your fav song from us?" G asks. "Let me think. I've always really liked Like That but Tides has a special place in my heart. I actually have 2 tattoos dedicated for it." I say. "Really?! Can we see?" Johnson says excited. "Sure!" I say, and lift my sleeve up. I show them the little wave with leaf branches coming from it. "The spotify code is the code for Tides on spotify." I say and show it. "Johnson gets his phone out. He scans the code, and Tides starts to play. "That's sick!" G says and looks at the tattoos. "Why the leafs though?" Johnson asks. "As a symbol for growing with the waves." I explain while looking at it. "Damn. That's really thought out." Johnson says. I nod yes. "All my tatoos are thought out and meaningful." I say. "All of them? How many do you have?" G asks. "Yeah, I don't see them. Just a couple." Johnson says. "I kind of lost count." I say. "You lost count?" G laughs. I pull my sleeve up higher and show both my arms. "What the fuck." Johnson says. They both look at them. "Who's handwriting is this?" G asks. "That's Lauren Spencer Smith. The flowers above with the bandage is for her song Flowers." I explain. "We can count this right now." Johnson laughs. "Yeah, but then you're missing all of my leg tattoos." I say. Their mouth falls open. I burst out laughing. I start pointing to some spots and explain what is tattooed there. "You have a ghost?" G laughs. "Yhup. Right next to the logo of my fav youtubers. They ghosthunt but in a funny way. Sam and Colby. Do you know them?" I say. They both nod yes. "We know them from the MagCon time." Johnson explains.

After talking about their tattoos and some of the videos from Sam and Colby, we eat something. "What is your favorite food?" Johnson asks. "Uhm, I really like sushi, but also pasta recepies. I cook at home and make a lot of pasta." I say. "Wanna eat some sushi? G and I love sushi." Johnson says. "Yeah. Lets do it!" I say, and G agrees. "While eating, could we play some music in the background. I've been without music for a while now." I say while giving a piece of paper to someone who's getting the food. "Sure! What do you wanna hear?" Johnson asks. "I have a playlist. Can I put that on?" I ask. "Of course. Here, let me help you connect to the speakers." G says and grabs my phone. G connects my phone, and I start my playlist. The first song that comes on is All For Us by labrinth and zendaya. "I thought you were gonna play some Jack&Jack." Johnson laughs. "Why is your playlist called Sam and Colby?" G laughs when he sees it. "It's all the song that remind me of them or makes me think about them." I explain. "Do you have a playlist for us." Johnson asks. I shake my head no. "I do have a playlist with all of your songs, though." I say. "Good enough." Johnson mocks. "Awww. You wanna make a playlist together?" I say. G is giggeling. When Johnson looks up, G stops. It makes me laugh out loud. "Only because you asked." Johnson says. We can't keep it together anymore and burst out laughing.

The food arrives and we start eating. I do a little dancing while eating. "Is it that good?" G asks. I nod yes. "Girls are easy. Give them food, and they're happy. Well, at least I am." I joke. Johnson laughs. "Noted." he says and takes another bite. While eating, making jokes, and just talking. I start singing along with the music. But softly. "You can sing out loud if you want." G says when he notices. "Nahh. Don't wanna embarres myself infront of real singers." I say. "Come on. I'll play piano, and G will sing along." Johnson says and gets up. "Yeah!" G says excited. "Pick a song." Johnson says. He sits by the piano. "Okay. But don't judge. And no. Omg you're so good to make me feel good. I know I suck." I warn them. They both nod yes in agreement. "Lets do Clarity by Zedd." I say. "I'll start. Hop in when you feel okay to join." G says. G starts singing, and I join in when 'cause you are a piece of me. Johnson's mouth falls open. I slap him on his arm and give him a warning look.  When we finish the song, the boys look at each other and start clapping. "Stop!" I say and start blushing. "Not to make you feel good, but you are kind of good. You know when to do what." G says. I laugh. "I always sing. Shower, on the bike or just in the house." I say. "You wanna do Like That?" Johnson asks. "Sure." I say and smile. We sing the song, and then it's time for them to get ready. "Are you okay to wait here?" Johnson asks. "Yeah, of course! When you're ready, we head to the meet and greet, right?" I say. "Yhup. You know if you want to. You could take the pics of us with the fans." G says. "Like take their phone and take the photo?" I ask. "Yeah." Johnson says. "I think a lot of fans would like it if someone speaks dutch." Johnson says. "Yeah, I bet. Nerves can make you forget all the words." I say.

An hour later, we head out and start the meet and greet. A lot of fans were really happy that I was there and took the best photos. For some, I took videos and just snapped a photo while videoing. When the meet and greet was over, I head over towards the Q&A room. "Wait. You're going with us." G laughs. "Right. I totally forgot." I laugh as well. I tell the girls I made friends with in the meet and greet. "See you later. Have fun." I tell them. "You have fun! I'm so jealous of you, girl." one yells back. I just laugh. "At the concert, you'll be backstage as well. watching from the side." G explains when we walk to the Q&A room. "Can I see you guys good from there?" I ask. "Yeah. It's kinda like you're right in front of us. But with no people bumbing into you." Johnson explains. "Nice." I say. "I have room to dance and sing along. Hope the people there won't go deaf from me singing." I joke. "Girl. You sing good." Johnson says. "I was joking!" I say and laugh. G laugh as well. The guys get a microphone hand to them. We enter the room, and everyone yells and claps. I just smile and clap along. I sit down on a table next to some girls. "Hi." I say. "You're the one with the master VIP right?" she asks. I nod yes. "So how is it." She asks. I smile. "Amazing. We sang some songs together and ate sushi. And we just talked like.. Like friends hang out and talk." I say. The girl starts smiling. "I have a question for the person who has master VIP." I suddenly hear. Johnson waves me over. I get up and walk towards them. "Good luck." says the girl I was talking with. G hands me his mic. "Go ahead." Johnson says to the girl. I look at her and smile. "How was it hanging out with them?" She asks. I laugh. "I was talking about it with a girl in the back. It's like hanging out with friends." I say. "What did you guys do?" another girl asks. I look at the guys, and they motion for me to answer. "We, uhm. We ate some sushi, talked about tatoos and music, and then it was time for them to get ready." I say. "And we sang some songs together." Johnson adds. G nods yes. "And we sang some songs." I say. "Will you sing tonight with them?" the same girl asks. I start laughing. "Guys. Don't you have questions for the people you came for?" I say and laugh. "And no. I won't be singing on stage with them tonight." I add. Then I hand the mic back to G. "But we wanna know from a fan how they are in real life." A girl yells. "They're right in front of you." I say back and laugh. I sign and grab the mic back. "I'll do a tiktok about it or a post on insta or something." I say before going back to where I sat. The guys look at me in awe, but they also look grateful. When I sit down, the girl I was talking with before smiles at me. "That was so cool. You just called them out!" she says. I laugh. "I mean, you we're right, but still. Awesome!" she says. "Thanks." I say. When the meet and greet is over, the girls who asked the question come over to me. "Hee, I wanna say sorry. We didn't mean to put you on the spot." one girl says. "It's okay. I would've wondered, too." I say. "Enjoy the show!" I say and walk towards the guys. "That was awesome!" Johnson says. "Pff, As if." I say and give him a playful push. G laughs. "No, that was really cool. We're kinda afraid that something like that would happen, and you handled it as a pro!" G says. "Ow. Thanks, guys." I say and blush a little.

The guys are changing for the show while I hang out in the backstage room. Waiting for them to be ready. I can hear some girls talking in the concert room. "She was so badass. She just told her off." They say. I giggle. "Ugh, I wanted to say hi to her before the concert, but she was so fast out of there, just like the guys." another one says. I look around me and look around the curtain. "Hee, psstt." I say and wave at the girls. They scream, and I put my finger on my lip to show them to be quiet. They calm down right away. "I could hear you. Thanks for saying that." I say and look at the girl who said I was badass. "Can I have your insta? I wanna see what you post." the same girl says. "Sure." I say and give it to them. I add them back, and we giggle. "Honestly, I feel like I'm famous right now. It's crazy." I say and sit down in front of them. "You're so cool. Just sitting with us and talking." a girl says. "I don't even know if I'm allowed to." I say and giggle. The girls giggle as well. "Y/N!?" we hear. "Ow, shit. Enjoy the show girls gotta go." I say and get up. The girls laugh again and wave me goodbye. "Where were you?" Johnson says. "I was on stage talking to some girls. I overheard their talking, so I said hi. They were really nice." I say and blush. "We thought you ran away or something." G says. "Pfff. As if." I say. "What did they say?" G asks. "They said I was badass." I say shyly. The guys laugh hard. "So you decided to say hi." Johnson says laughing. I nod yes.

The show starts, and I had an amazing time. Looking from the side was indeed the best place. I took lots of photos and videos. Sang along with all of the songs and laughed when Johnson made a mistake because he was making jokes with me. After the show, they showered, and we ate some leftover sushi. They followed me on insta and found out that Johnson is already following me. "Busted!" G says. We laugh about it. After some talking about the show and the meet and greet, they insist on driving me home. "We had such a good time. Let expand it a little by driving you home." Johnson says. "Fine. I had a great time, too." I say, and we drive to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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