⬧Chapter 7: Maven⬧

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"GAH!" I exclaim as I stab my sword through the Lycarion's heart. The white wolf-lion lays limp now, harmless. One beast down. I think as I begin to clean my blade in the river. The blood washing away into the water. I've never liked taking a life. Even if it was just an animal -which it always was- I felt selfish, like I wasn't worthy or righteous enough to steal another's right to live, but the fact is you either kill or be killed, and I'm not dying anytime soon. I sling my backpack back onto my shoulders as I survey my new surroundings. I woke up half in the river, about to be swept out when I was startled awake. It hadn't even been ten minutes before the Lycarion found me. Of course it had to be the Lycarion. I think to myself. There's a mountain with a steep cliffside just over a mile away, it would be best to get to higher ground before nightfall. I'm about to make my way up the mountain when I hear a strange noise coming from the valley below. Against my better judgment I proceed down to the valley.

I make it halfway down to the valley before I encounter my next foe: the Vypernox.

The Vypernox is a dangerous beast capable of controlling your thoughts and influencing your mind. The snake-like creature towers over most at a staggering twelve feet tall, its beady eyes a bloody red color. Legend says that whoever looks into its eyes is marked for death, for very few have ever seen the Vypernox and lived to tell the tale, that is those who didn't go mad soon after.

I can feel my hands shaking, I'm terrified. Of all my fears, snakes have to have the most power over me. I ready myself for my impending doom. Just before the Vypernox strikes I hear what I can only describe as the worst battle cry ever. Sebastian. I almost laugh when I see the dark haired boy running towards the beast with nothing but a practice sword.

"AAHH!" Seb bellows out, distracting the beast. And that's when it all clicks: he's the distraction. I take my aim and send a flaming ball of fire right at the Vypernox's face. The beast stumbles back, obviously angry.

"What now?!" I yell towards Seb.

"I don't know! I didn't plan this far ahead!" He yells back. We exchange worried looks just before I hear a familiar high pitched voice. Daisy.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS YOU OVERSIZED SLITHERING SERPENT OF DECEIT!" Daisy's eyes turn all white as she attempts to control the Vypernox's mind, at first it seems to be working, but then she starts to shake and her knees buckle. Seb and I rush to her side, trying to keep her upright.

"Hold on just a little bit longer Daisy, you can do this." Seb encourages her, but I see through his mask. He's worried she won't be able to pull it off.

"Seb, she can't hold on much longer-" I start but Daisy cuts me off.

"I-I can do this Maven.." Daisy struggles to get the words out, meanwhile the Vypernox is closing in. Seb and I exchange worried looks, it's now or never. Kill or be killed.

Seb raises the ground up, attempting to swallow the Vypernox into the ground. I send balls of fire into the beast's face once more.

"Seb, give me something to light!"

"On it!" Seb dawns his infamous 'I'm about to do something crazy' look and I know this is either gonna be epic or get us killed. Vines start to wrap around the Vypernox's body, wrapping tightly around its neck. Seb draw's the vines towards us, giving me the perfect opening. I light the vines on fire, the flames spreading like a lit fuse.

We turn and start to run from the fiery beast. Seb doesn't hesitate before picking Daisy up and carrying her to safety. We run back up to the river, near where I killed the Lycarion. Seb sets Daisy down, she looks exhausted and so does he. Seb starts to examine Daisy, looking for any injuries.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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