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Kay's POV

What a conversation,okay I'm not saying it in a bad way but I'm just relieved that we just got to say everything that's been causing this tension.I guess I overreacted abit...but no! I had a right to be upset too.The thing is I wasn't ready to listen and her the whole story to understand but instead I acted badly like I always do.

I really have to work on myself if I'm willing to do right by her side.It won't be easy but I have to try because we can't go on like this because of my  behaviour.

"Honey are you okay?" Mom said looking at me with worry.

I'm okay mom,just thinking of the conversation I had with Neo's mom.

"Should I be worried?" She said looking at me.

No mom its actually about a surprise party that I wanna throw for Neo.I mean she did tell me that its this month last month so I just got the chance to ask her mom about what she likes and what she doesn't but I think its not enough..I just want it to be perfect.

"Honey,are you hearing yourself right now? I mean her mom knows her better than anyone and I'm sure whatever information she gave you will be helpful and that's so sweet of you" she said embracing me.

She deserves it after all that I've put her through this is the least I can do to make her see that I really like her and I'm not always a jerk sometimes.I said with a chuckle.

"You're  just over thinking things and you're not a jerk because if you were I don't  think a girl like her was gonna stick around for that long which shows that she also feels the same way as you"

Yeah,lemme just start with the brainstorming and I'll also come to you for some ideas especially with the décor and all that.I sighed.

"My door is always open". She said giving me a wink.

I should text Bree and ask her for ideas.she's actually the best person for this but I don't mind working with her to put her best friend's surprise party together.

Hey is this Bree?

who's this?

Ow,sorry I got your numbers from Neo's mom its kay on text.

O-kay....hi and how can I help you?

So you know its Neo's birthday next week right?

Uhm,yeah we've been besties since kindergarten of cause I know.Dude can you just get to the point.

I wanna throw Neo a surprise party.

I dont think that's a good idea cause she hates those big time..

Are you for real?

Yeah,why would I lie?

I mean her mom never said anything when I brought the idea up

Well I'm her bestie and she tells me everything..I.mean.every.thing.

Well thanks for nothing.bye

Woah..dude I'm joking that's a good idea I mean I've always wanted to do something for her and I think this is the time for that.

Cool..we can brainstorm some ideas tomorrow afternoon.

Cool..are you always like this?

Like what?

Never mind..anyways I'll be coming to Sandton next week since schools will be closing but please don't tell Neo its a surprise so I guess we can talk then?

I got you and thank you.


Well that was not bad.She sounds like a chilled person at least that's taken care off.Now I just gotta find a way to let Neo tell me what she would like for a party without giving it off that I'm planning something.


A notification panel showed up on my screen making me jump to answer.


I've been waiting for your text ever since you left are you okay?

Yes mi amor,I'm okay I just got held up by something when I got home.sorry.

I understand and please don't forget to bring the assignment with tomorrow remember schools are closing we've been stalling and we need to submit.

Its already in my bag pack don't worry.

Great,so what are you busy with?

Just lying on my bed talking to my favourite person and what are you doing?

I'm thinking.

Thinking about?

You of cause.

What about me?

How lucky I am to have you and all the things you do to me.

Ow really?what things?

That's the only thing you heard from what I said your such a perv..

What else am I suppose to think?..Princess can I ask you something?

Yeah sure..whats sup?

Okay so my friend wants to throw a party for her sister as a surprise right,but she wants it tobe nice and perfect but she has no idea where to start so what would you do if you were her?

Well she's her sister I mean isn't she suppose to have an idea of what her sister likes?

Her sister can be confusing sometimes like to determine and she wants tobe sure.

Okay I hear you...well she can just come up with ways of asking her without like making it obvious.Ask her questions as a form of a game or something I dunno.

that's a good idea!I'll tell her that...butlers say if you were to throw a party what would it be like?

Me?well...I dunno eyy,I'm just not a party person that's all but for my own.Ow my God! I would want everyone to dress up like they're going to the beach kinda vibe since it will be at the back of my house like a pool party and we would play board games,take shots and dance like crazy but that's the opposite of me it really would be cool if I wasn't that shy but then what would matter the most to me is for it to be memorable and fun.

that's it?

Yeah,I know its too much right?but then its all just a fantasy.

Its not too much,I think its a cool birthday party idea as long  you're  happy.

Yeah,anyways enough about that what time are we leaving tomorrow? or thirty?

You always say the time but show up late,I'll just wait for your text when you're here.

Okay cool. I love you and dream of me.

Why you?I love you too.

Because I'd kill whoever you dream of if it isn't me.

You're Crazy,you know that?

Crazy about you that's right.

Go to sleep.




Kay wtf go to sleep!😹

I put my phone on the charger as I chuckled  at what I sent and drifted off to sleep.

Hey....I've been lazy to write I'm sorry but here's a short chapter I've been meaning to finish for..who knows how long😩anyways I hope you enjoyed it.

I'll try to write more often please bare with🦋

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