She Awakened and The Devil Trembled

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"Hime, you have to wake up now..." "Hime, they're all waiting for you..." "Hime, you're not done yet..." "Hime... follow their glow..." voices speak in a way that it feels like a harmony. Tsuhime was in a dark space, and she felt so cold. Hearing them ignited a warmth around her, then she saw a singular orange flame. She saw it grow and spread throughout the space. Tsuhime was back in the ring. "Though I would like to have seen you with anyone but that dragon, he is someone of your level and looks to you as a queen. So I approve of him." A voice behind her said. Tsuhime turned to face them. It was Nonno Giotto, or Vongola Primo. "Grandpa? Why am I in the ring?" She said in surprise. "I wanted to speak to you before you woke up. You chose peace over violence. You could have beaten them quite easily, but you decided not to. Why?" He asked. This made the girl ponder. "I don't know, I guess it's just the way I am. As long as my family is safe and happy, I never really cared what happened to me." She replied. "Hime, you are a gem to our famiglia; let us protect you like did for us. Let us care for you." Primo pleaded with her. "But I'm a boss, it's my duty to be the protector; not the protected." Tsuhime whispered. "No, Hime. You are a sky before you are a boss. Your guardians are your strength. They will guard you so you live to protect them when the time comes and after that. So don't be afraid to let them protect you. Everyone in your family, not just the Vongola, are bonded to the soul. They are the ones who will be your guide and constants as you go through life." The elder of the two explained. The young girl nodded. "Your marriage to Xanxus is not like any other because you will be joined down to the soul. Your flames will unlock great things. The both of you will lead the Vongola to a bright future. So, save your strength for when you really need it. Now, wake up." And he touched his finger to her forehead.

The next thing the young heiress knew she was stirring. The room was bright, and a little blurry. Then she felt a warmth. She felt safe. As her eyes began to focus, she realized she was not in school. She was in a bed. "Hime? Everyone! she's awake!" a voice shouted "so loud..." Tsuhime groaned. Suddenly a hand grabbed her's and suddenly she knew it was Xanxus'. "Hime, we're all here. You are safe, you're in Italy." The same voice tried to give her some context as to why she wasn't where she lost consciousness: Enma.

"I...remember..." she muttered. "Shh...Hime, everything will be alright. Let us handle things, just rest." Dino said to his little sister. "Why...Italy...what...everyone?" The young lady tried to get a sentence out but couldn't. "Hime, you're in the Iron Fort. Give us permission to handle things while you recover. You've been asleep for almost two days! You need to time to heal from trying to suppress your flames." An elderly voice said from the foot of the bed, Nono. She nodded and only then did she realize she wasn't in the hospital wing, she was in her room.

Tsuhime tried to get up but a broad hand gently pushed her back down. That hand belonged to a scarred man who wanted to get sweet, bloody revenge on those who hurt the dear princess. "You rest as we deal with your responsibilities. 1 hour of walking around with every 6 hours of rest. Shamal's orders, got that Hime?" A new voice spoke, Fon. "Yes..." the young woman answered.

Tsuhime was so happy to be home but just as sleepy. Being in the Iron Fort meant no need to pretend or hide. She was content for the first time since the summer vacation. So Tsuhime slept, and unknown to her (surprisingly), she was being calmed with the combined strength of Squalo, Collonello, and Takeshi. Everyone but Xanxus filed out of the young heiress's room. The Varian Boss watched Tsuhime breathe. Feeling her flames so close to him calmed the storm he was ready to unleash on just about everyone. But the idiots that dared to hurt their queen will feel the brunt of all their anger.

The boss picked something from his pocket, a picture of him and his brothers: Enrico, Massimo, and Federico. All killed. They told him that he will become someone who could walk side-by-side with the strongest. They were right, here he was at the side of the strongest flame user in 400 years. The wave of misfortune will wash over all her tormentors. He will make sure of it.

A knock from the door broke Xanxus from his thoughts, it was Squalo. He walked in carrying a sizable stack of folders. "Got anything damning?" The Varian boss asked. "You bet your best guns, I do." A sharp grin appeared on the Rain's face. "I got twelve brats on our revenge list. The Hime's cloud got us the CCTV footage. And 25 adults to add. All thirty seven's crimes range from gossiping about the Principessa and her mother, to abusing the Hime in general. So let the bloodbath begin?" His attack shark responded. "Sure as hell yeah!" The boss was itching to give that command.

Back in Namimori...the targets are peacefully sleeping unbeknownst to them, their lives were about to be ruined to no return. That night word was spread to all division heads of what happened to Tsuhime, they were not happy in the slightest. "The Hime has done nothing but be gracious and this is what they do?!" One shouted. "According to the higher ups she was out for 2 1/2 days from her injuries." Another seethed with anger.

When by noon in Namimori, 25 men and women were called to their bosses' offices. Many proud as peacocks, before they became pigs to slaughter. "Osamu-san, please sit. We have much to discuss." That was the lasting her colleagues heard before the door closed. Then it began...

"YOU CANNOT FIRE ME! I AM AN ASSET TO THIS  COMPANY! WHAT GROUNDS DO YOU EVEN HAVE AGAINST ME!?" a voice echoed. "Where do I begin? I have a 500 page report from the Vongola main branch providing information about what has been happening with our current financial system. 100 of which is mostly about how you have been pocketing money since you became manager of the Vongola hotels. Along with a multitude of offenses unbecoming of an employee of the Vongola. Add to that the fact you and your son have been harassing Vongola Nono's granddaughter." The division head listed off. "Granddaughter?! I don't even know who she is!" Osamu-san yelled red faced. "Oh? So you haven't heard of Tsuhime Sawada?" Her boss sounded surprised but was just playing her like a fiddle. "That wh*re is the granddaughter of the HEAD of the VONGOLA!?" Osamu-san yelled not knowing she was digging her own grave. "Oh yes she is, and please don't insult her. The main family absolutely detests those who insult the sweet angel." Her boss said in a sickeningly sweet voice. "WHY ARE YOU CALLIIING THAT BASTARD CHILD AN ANGEL?! SHE WALKS AROUND WITH THOSE BOYS, WHO SHE PROBABLY SLEPT WITH BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS A USELESS NO-GOOD DAUGHTER! WHOSE FATHER PROBABLY LEFT HER MOTHER BECAUSE SHE'S AN AIRHEAD!" Osamu-san began yelling insults. Her boss was furious "NEVER insult the Hime! Those boys are her FAMILY! and I'm sure you have heard of the man who came to their school, that was Xanxus Di Vongola; Her fiancé! Make no mistake, you are RUINED and as long as the sun is burning, you AND your family will never recover. All those who have hurt Madam Sawada and her precious child will feel the wrath of THE Vongola and its closest allies!" He yelled and then called for security when he asked Osamu-san to leave and she didn't. They dragged her out while her former colleagues whispered and pointed. The children had to be pulled from school, and some were packing whatever they had to leave the town. It was truly humiliating.

It was a similar story with all those who hurt the two Sawada women. Fear quickly spread throughout Namimori. Those who knew of what happened to Tsuhime, prayed to whoever god they believed in to show mercy.

Back in Italy, Tsuhime gained some strength and stood on the balcony of her suite. Next to her was Xanxus, who was basically Tsuhime's physical and flame support. "Xanxus? I should be in meetings this visit; what will we do now that I can barely leave my room?" She asked. "Don't worry about it, Hime" he grunted. "Xanxus, why do I get the feeling you're all hiding something from me?" Tsuna asked, turning her big caramel eye towards the assassin. "Because you shouldn't be bothered by useless information, Tesoro," Xanxus replied. "I asked this because if I find out that the next pile of paperwork that I have to read and sign was caused by one or all of you, I will skin you all alive." She glared. Even in her weakened state, she was still the sadistic punisher they had seen grow from that shy, timid 14-year-old.

They stared at the night sky until Xanxus' phone alerted them that Tsuna's one hour was up. The Varian Lord picked her up bridal-style and made his way to her bed. He gently laid her down and made himself comfortable on the couch. There was no way Xanxus was leaving her when she was in that state. She needed strong, familiar flames because all the family could feel were sparks. She was willing to hide her situation from them; fearing their reaction. Now that they knew, she hoped to Primo that she wouldn't wake up to multiple missing persons headlines.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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