𖡡 new york, new york

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PROLOGUE𖡡 new york, new york

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𖡡 new york, new york

     ALLISON LOOKED DOWN at the three tests on the counter.

"Fuck," she muttered, eyes wide with shock. The tests read positive. It was horrible to say, but she didn't want this. She was about to be an intern. You couldn't be a pregnant intern, people would judge. And they would judge hard.

She knew Mark wasn't ready for any commitments like this too. They weren't even married yet, they'd been engaged for two months and hadn't planned a single thing for their ceremony.

Broken out of the panicked trance by the ringing of a phone, Allison left the tests there.

She stumbled out of the bathroom to the living room, grabbing the phone, and answering. She sat comfortably on their ugly, but comfortable futon couch. She swiped her blonde hair out of the way of her ears so she could hear better.

"Hey, Allison," Derek sighed into the phone. His voice sounded strained for some reason, as if he'd been yelling.

"What's up, Der?" She asked, brows furrowing with concern for her brother's tone of voice.

"Sit down," Derek instructed. She had a worried look in her eyes as she stared at the burning fireplace. "I caught Addie and Mark together in bed. I kicked her out."

The phone stayed in her hands, but they were trembling profusely. Her vision was blurred by the tears welling up in her eyes.

She chucked the phone on the ground and slipped off the diamond engagement ring. And then threw the engagement ring on the floor angrily. Mark Sloan, the love of her life, was a fucking lying traitor.

The newly pregnant blonde woman was sad, pissed off, and hormonal. She wanted to punch the wall and cry. She needed to cry.

At this point, she was hyperventilating, but grabbed the phone off the ground, which was echoing the name Alli? She managed to push words out, her voice breaking, "Are you serious?"

Derek felt his heart break, hearing his favorite sister this distraught, struggling to breathe because of her shocked state. "I'm serious, Alli. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry too," she muttered through a quiet sob, tears rapidly leaving her hazel eyes uncontrollably.

She imagined her entire life, hell, she had an entire life with this man already and it was all gone within a split second.

"I'm going to Seattle. I know you wanted to do your internship there since you were a kid," he explained. "Head of Neurosurgery. Wanna come with me?"

"You know I will," she slightly smiled, happy for her brother getting out of his failing relationship with Addison. But the tears were still falling down her ghostly pale face. "Are you gonna file for divorce?"

INVISIBLE STRING ― mark sloanWhere stories live. Discover now