Nurse Greene

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~(Y/N)'s POV.~

I was outside, picking the good eggs from the chicken coop, when I hear footsteps. I look up from what I was doing and see Lori on the outside of the chicken coop. "Hey." I got out of the chicken coop, closing the door behind me before walking around to Lori. "One of the woman from our group wanted to offer to cook dinner tonight for your family. A thank you for everything you've all done for us. I was wondering what your thoughts on that were?" I give her a soft smile. "That's awfully kind. I'm sure my daddy would love it." She returns my smile and pulls me into a quick hug before walking back to where their people had set up a campsite. I walk the eggs back inside to the house and set them onto the table. I give it a few minutes and soon Lori and Carol are walking inside to start cooking supper. Beth, Patricia and Maggie soon walking in too. Beth and I start grabbing plates and silverware to set the table. "I never thought I'd be so happy to see a potato." Carol said in he sweet voice. Lori sighed happily. "I'm just glad we're not roasting squirrels over a fire in the woods." Carol stopped cuting and looked over to me. "Thank you, (Y/N), so much for letting us into your home." I nod before walking to the pantry to grab naptkin, but my daddy stops me. "What's this?" I answer him while walking past to grab what I needed. "Lori and Carol are cooking supper for us all tonight." I can tell he was feeling a little annoyed by this. "Well that's the first I've heard of it." I close the pantry and turn around to face him. "I didn't think it was that big of a deal. They want to thank us for helpin' them." He leans down a bit and keeps the last bit a whisper. "We need to be settin' clear boundaries with these people. They're gettin' a little to comfortable." I roll my eyes a bit before walking away. "It's just supper daddy." When walking back to the table Maggie passes me and I hear daddy now talking to her about Glenn. If only he knew what she had told me earlier today.

I had just finished washing off my hands in the bathroom when I hear a gunshot go off. It was only the one, who the hell would waste the ammo? I fly through the door and down the hall making my way outside to see what the commotion was all about. "What on earth is goin' on out here?!" I hear my daddy yell and I run up, catching up to them. I couldn't quite tell what has happened, but they where carrying someone towards the house. Andrea runs up with Glenn and T-dog and said she had shot Daryl and he needed medical attention. These people were going through our antibiotics and I sure as hell wasn't catching a break anytime soon. I had run inside the house and got a bed ready for when they brought Daryl in. By the time they brought him in he had already gain consciousness again. I had gotten his shirt off of him, seeing that the graze on his head wasn't the only thing. I start stitching up the small gash on his head and finish in no time. "Hold this on your head." I hand him a rag and he does as I say. "Can you roll to the side for me?" He again does as I say and I check out his other wond. I didn't miss all the long and deep scars that covered his whole back. I ignore it and go back to what I was doing. "What the hell happened?" He scoffed and explained the accident. "You pulled the arrow out. Pulling it out can cause more damage to your tissue and can cause a serious infection. You're lucky." Daryl just shook his head and continued to hold the rag to his head, as I'm getting close to finishing up, Rick knocks on the door before coming in. I can see he is carrying the map we had lended them in his hand. He sets it down on the bed beside Daryl, asking him about the doll he found. I assumed it was Sophia's. "I found it washed up on the creek bed right there. She must've dropped it crossing there or somewhere." Shane and my daddy then walk in. Rick makes eye contact with Shane when he starts talking. "Cuts the grid almost in half." Daryl grunts a little in pain, turning his head a bit to look at me. "Yeah, you're welcome." Rick notices and looks to me. "How's he looking?" "He's lookin' fine. But we're going through our antibiotics quickly." I finished up the last bit and see my daddy looking right at Daryl. "Any idea what happened to my horse?" "Yeah, the one who almost killed me? If it's smart, it left the country." I fight back a laugh, knowing it would only make my daddy more upset than he already was. "We call that one Nelly, as in 'Nervous Nelly'. I could've told you she'd thrown you if you'd bothered to ask. It's a wonder you people have survived this long."

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