Chapter 10

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"Why are we doing this?" asked for the seventh time as the trio snuck towards the door silently. 

"Unlike most well-bred ladies, I was never taught to embroider." Enola explained "I never moulded wax roses, hemmed handkerchiefs, or strung seashells. I was taught to watch and listen. I was taught to fight." she paused briefly and smiled proudly "This is what my mother made me for. Trust find the answers we need."

"No need to worry Enola, I trust you. We both do." Florence assured. Tewkesbury on the other hand was not as supportive "You don't know how to embroider?" this fact seemed to have surprised him. 

Looking between him and each other the two girls rolled their eyes. "Really Tewkesbury, for once can you read the room and correctly determine what to say."

"You're right Florence. We need to do this." he nodded his head and straightened as the Basilweather Estate door loomed closer. Looking to Enola he continued "You need to do this."

Grabbing both Tewkesbury's and Florence's hands Enola stepped forward "We... are doing this. Come on." letting go she opened the door to reveal. Nothing. 

The furniture was all covered and the hole mansion was shrouded in darkness, the only light to guide them was the moonlight. Quizzically observing the scene Florence asked "Where are all the servants?"

Tewkesbury called out "Mother?" 

"What's happening?" Florence, felt faint. She shook the thought away, now was not the time. She gripped her fan tighter, careful not to cut her hands on the metal like she did when she was younger. 

Enola turned slowly inspecting the room before whispering, eyes wide open, waiting "They know we're here." Not far away there was the sound of a gun loading. Suddenly Enola jumped yelling "Down!"

The vase on the table in front of her was blown into a dozen pieces causing Florence to dive down. Enola tried to see where the shots were coming from while she signalled for the other two to "Run!"

Tewkesbury seemed to be in a state of shock so Florence grabbed onto his hand and led him away, they scurried across the floor like rats, Enola following sharply behind. When they were a safe distance from the stairs they returned to the front door. 

Pulling at it desperately Enola realised that "It's locked!" pushing themselves up against the door Florence spotted the shooter. Grabbing a hold of Tewkesbury and Enola she yelled "Down!"

They ran further down the hall and each hid between the porcelain statues. Enola was on one side whilst Tewkesbury and Florence were on the other side. Breathing heavily the two ducked down as the man with the riffle began shotting, almost always hitting the statues. 

He smirked as he approached them, smiling like a cat on a mouse as he reloaded his gun. If it hadn't have been a blur of black that she saw from the corner of her eye Florence never would have realised that Enola was on the move. 

Deciding to help her she made to get up only for Enola to signal her to stop, she mouthed "Stay there." nodding she sat down again. The bowler hat man had now refilled his riffle and was on the move again. 

To toy with them he shot a suit of armour next to Tewkesbury so it clattered on top of them. Shielding both herself and Tewkesbury Florence let out a muffled scream. It was just as Florence moved the broken down armour off them that they realised that Enola had punced on the man from behind.

Enola was holding his gun against his throat whilst he threw her  into wall after wall before flipping her onto the floor. Where he then proceeded to kick her in the gut and hit her in the temple using the end of his gun. He was about to do it again when Tewkesbury got up from beside Florence and ran over tackling him to the ground. 

But one punch to his face and Tewkesbury was on the floor in a heap. Seeing both of her friends like this was more than Florence could bear as her eyes began to water. The bowler hat man produced a golden chain from his pocket. He tightened it either side of his hands before wrapping it around Tewkesbury's neck.

Florence was terrified. Enola was passed out cold and Tewkesbury was chocking and clawing at the rope desperately. She knew she had to do something, But What?

She had an idea. Florence got up and charged at the bowler hat man who only smirked, Florence gripped her fan tightly, spreading it's wings and sliced it against his  throat. Blood flew from his neck onto her face and he let go of Tewkesbury quickly gripping his own neck. She could hear Tewkesbury gasping for breath but she could only watch in horror as the man staggered backwards his hands blood red. 

Helping Enola up gently she shook her head and sat down next to the bowler hat man. "Who are you working for?" Enola yelled grabbing a hold of his shirt and shaking him desperate for answers. "Who do you work for?" she repeated. 

The bowler hat man was still choking on his own blood when he smirked "England." before he dropped out of Enola's arms. Dead. 

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