Chapter 2 - Settling

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Once I had received the green light to transfer to Jujutsu Tech from Principal Masamichi, Gojo-sensei and I started to make our way toward the dorms in order for me to get settled into my new room, or my old room? Either way, into my room.

As we make our way through to our destination, discussing trivial "important" school rules, I can't help but marvel at the aged structures and well-kept greenery around us, it's something I never truly appreciated before. The traditional Japanese buildings that are surrounded by stone walls per each compound, of which then those compounds are surrounded by even further walls, really give off the vibe as I'm about to begin my life as a monk in the deep mountains.

Well, we are deep into the mountains. But that's beside the point.

"Ah, Sensei! I've been meaning to ask, how'd you convince the higher-ups to rank me as a special grade?" Turning my head left to face Sensei, he currently had his eyes focused on his phone, well his blindfold, as he seemed to be busy furiously texting somebody.

"Well, I'm sure you know that in order to be ranked as a special grade, the circumstances tend to be pretty unique for each special grade sorcerer. Typically, the standard is to have the strength to pose a threat to Jujutsu society as a whole. Sometimes, this doesn't have to properly correlate to personal strength." Sensei flips his phone into his back pocket, before stretching his hands, rewarding himself with the satisfying sound of his knuckles cracking.

"Use me as an example, I'm considered a special grade due to the fact of my overwhelming strength and presence from my birth." A rather egotistical statement, but I don't disagree. "But If per se, maybe somebody could build their strength consistently without restraint, perhaps through the use of amassing an army via one's curse technique. That could cause an uproar in society."

He tilts his face to look towards me slightly, watching me with a single eye, before continuing. "I figured that you probably didn't wish to announce to the whole world that you've inherited Sukuna's techniques, as that would probably bring a lot of unwanted attention. So! As far as anyone knows, you have been listed as a special grade for the sole fact that your cursed energy seems to be nearly boundless."

I stop in my tracks, surprised.

"Oh. Thank you for that. I never really thought about the consequences having these powers would have. Especially with how those around me would perceive it."

The majority of Jujutsu society wanted me dead for simply being able to contain Sukuna within myself. If they'd figured out that his powers became mine, would they think any different? What WOULD they think?

That I'm still a monster probably.

A sudden slap on my back brings me back to Earth.

"Oi Yuji, why so glum, chum?"

"Ah, sorry about that Sensei. Just future stuff."

I felt as if Gojo-sensei shifted his eyes at me ever so more intently.

"Hmm, well, if you feel like talking anymore 'bout it some more, I'm all ears." He states, before continuing to walk, gesturing for me to do the same.

"Thanks, Sensei." I truly appreciate it. With him letting me share what I need to say at my own pace.


"This'll be your room as you stay enrolled here." Sensei opens the door, flourishing the reveal of it with a signal of his hands. Then he tilts his entire body in dramatic flair, towards the right side of the room, revealing the... "Bathroom!" Sensei finishes off my thoughts.

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