epilogue: a taste of your own medicine (Chapter 11)

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*Later Match sits near a pond and hears the sound that plays when Four recovers people, 3 times* *Match sees Donut, who Four has revived* Match: D-DONUT?! *Donut grabs Match* Donut: You did this! You did all of this! *Pencil comes in and pushes Match into the pond* Pencil: **You're** the problem! I shouldn't have been with you in the first place!

*Ruby and Glue join* *Match begins to sink to the bottom, struggling trying not to drown* *Match begins to struggle less until... nothing. She is officially dead* Ruby: Well deserved... *Match wakes up in hell* Match: ...I deserve this, don't I?

*Match sees the bodies of people she has killed and hurt, mentally and physically, and these things disappear* *Match cries in regret* Match: I should have been better... *Sadness turns to anger* Arrgh! Worst life ever! When someone recovers me! I'm going to kill all of them! end

idk if part 2 happens

tell me feedback and

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