The abandoned Sinnoh starter duo

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After arriving in Sinnoh and befriending a girl named Dawn, Ash begins his journey in the Sinnoh region. Right now, our heroes are in some forest, and seemed to be lost at the moment. Dawn: "I don't believe this... we're lost..." Ash: "Yeah... looks like it..." Brock: "Well, that's nothing new for us, right?" Ash: "Yeah, that's for sure." Dawn: "You're kidding..." Ash: "Don't worry, we'll find our way out of here." that was when a group of grass types called Oddish used sleeping powder at the group, causing them to fall asleep. While they were out cold, a small green turtle like Pokémon called Turtwig appeared and took Pikachu with him. It wasn't long before Ash and the others finally woke up, and noticed that Pikachu was nowhere to be found. Dawn: "Where's Pikachu?" Ash: "Oh no!, Team Rocket must have taken him again!" Brock: "Hold on, are you sure?" Ash: "Well yeah, it's not the first time they used something to put us to sleep and steal Pikachu." Brock: "But normally when they knock us out, they take us along with Pikachu, and also... there's some traces of sleep powder, meaning it was some Pokémon that knocked us out." Dawn: "But why?" Ash: "Who knows... but I know for a fact that Pikachu needs help, and I'm gonna get him back..." meanwhile, Pikachu finally woke up, and sees that he was not alone, but now with the company he knows. In front of him was Turtwig and a little fire type chimp like Pokémon called Chimchar, and it wasn't long before they noticed the electric type. Turtwig: [Good, you're awake.] Pikachu: [Uh... who are you?] Turtwig: [I'm Turtwig, and this is Chimchar, good to see you're safe now.] Pikachu: [Safe?, what are you talking about?, I was doing fine until some Oddish used Sleeping Powder on me and the others.] Turtwig: [I send those Oddish to get you from that human.] Pikachu: [What?!, why would you do that?] Chimchar: [Cause humans are bad, they only care about power and sees us nothing more than tools.] Pikachu: [That's not true!, Ash would never see me or his other Pokémon as tools!, we're his friends and family!] Turtwig: [How naive... you'll understand soon enough...] Pikachu: [No... I do understand... but Ash is not a bad human... he's my best friend!] that was when Ash came to the scene. Ash: "Pikachu!" cried Ash in joy, before Turtwig headbutts the boy on the stomach. Turtwig: [You will not harm the Pikachu!] Ash: "What are you talking about?, I would never do anything to hurt Pikachu." Turtwig: [Huh?, what did you say?] Ash: "I said why would you think I was gonna harm Pikachu?" Turtwig: [You... you can understand me?] Chimchar: [No way... how?] Ash: "To be honest... I don't know how... now tell me... why did you sent those Oddish to kidnap Pikachu?" Chimchar: [I wouldn't say we kidnap him, we rescued him, as you're a human...] Ash: "Why would you think I'm evil just for me being human?" Turtwig: [Well... we used to have a trainer before... but he was a bad one who saw us as tools... and abandoned us here just for seeing us being weak...] Chimchar: [Yeah... Damian was a real jerk.] Ash: "Wait... did you say Damian?!" Pikachu: [I see... no wonder you think humans are bad... so he's here in Sinnoh now...] Turtwig: [You know him?] Ash: "Yeah... we had a run in with him a few times in the past..." said Ash, before Dawn and Brock came to the scene. Dawn: "Wow... A Turtwig and a Chimchar, what are they doing here?" Ash: "They used to be Damian's Pokémon..." Brock: "Damian?!" Dawn: "Who?" Brock: "Oh right, you haven't met him... but he is without a doubt the worst trainer ever..." said Brock, while still remembering his past encounters with the bad trainer. Suddenly, the Team Rocket trio appeared, and they were on some kind of robot, ready to capture Pikachu again. Jessie: "There's no escape this time, you'll be the boss's Pokémon soon enough." James: "Yes, and we'll finally get our revenge too." Meowth: "That's right!, and we'll have the Turtwig and Chimchar as a bonus!" Ash: "You're not getting Pikachu, nor Chimchar and Turtwig!" shouted Ash, which surprised both Chimchar and Turtwig as they were not expecting a human to defend them. Soon a battle between Team Rocket's robot and Ash began, and the boy asked Turtwig and Chimchar to help out, which they accepted as they knew it's the only way to stop the villains. Soon enough, thanks to the combinations of Pikachu's Thunderbolt attack mixing with a Razor Leaf from Turtwig, a Flamethrower from Chimchar, and a Water Gun from Dawn's Piplup, the robot got destroyed and the Team Rocket trio were sent flying out of the scene. The danger was not over yet though, as a tree that got damaged from the battle started to fall over, and Ash picked up both Turtwig and Chimchar to get them out of the way just in the nick of time. Ash: "Are you two okay?" Turtwig: [You... saved us... thanks...] Chimchar: [But why?] Ash: "Because unlike Damian... I care about the well being of a Pokémon, including my own..." Pikachu: [It's true, and this is not the first time he risked his life to help out a Pokémon, I should know...] said Pikachu, feeling proud of what a kind trainer he has. Sometime later, the group finally found a way out of the forest, with Turtwig and Chimchar following them. Ash: "Hey... why are you following us?" Turtwig: [Well... after you saved us from those people and that tree... we kinda thought about... having you, a boy that can talk to Pokémon, as our new trainer.] Chimchar: [You don't mind, right?] Ash: "Not at all, welcome to the team." said Ash, before he catches both of the Sinnoh starters with his Pokéballs, before pulling out his Pokédex to learn more about his new catches. Pokédex: [Turtwig is the grass type starter of Sinnoh, and it's shell is made of earth and becomes harder when it absorbs water.] [Chimchar is the fire type starter of Sinnoh, and can easily climb on the sheerest of walls and it's flame goes out when sleeping.] Dawn: "Wow, you just caught not one but two of the starters of Sinnoh." Brock: "That's nothing, Ash managed to catch all three starters of Kanto and Johto, and caught the grass starter in Hoenn." Dawn: "Really?" Ash: "It's not that big of a deal, I was just trying to be their friend, like how any trainer would." Dawn: "I hope I can catch some Pokémon soon..." Ash: "Don't worry, I'm sure you will." and so Ash has caught not only a Turtwig but a Chimchar as well, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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