Stress Relief

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Lucifer had spent most of his day cooped up in his study. He had spent hours going through various invoices from Mammon buying so much stuff. His head hurt from clenching his jaw for so long that he couldn't wait to get his hands on his younger brother. He planned to string him up from the ceiling in the foyer for a week. As he walked around the corner he ran face first into what felt like a brick wall. Jace had happened to turn at the same time and accidentally ran right into Lucifer. The bigger man gasped softly and took a step back as Lucifer steadied himself. "Shit! Sorry about that Lucifer I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He rumbles out with a big sheepish smile as he chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. He can see that Lucifer isn't in a good mood by the way he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Uh.. you ok big guy?" He asks with a curious expression as he looks down at the raven haired demon. "Oh, no need to apologize Jace. I should have paid more attention myself. I was just...distracted with everything going on in my mind. I appreciate the concern though." Lucifer smiles lightly before letting out a sigh and running a hand through his hair again. He could feel his anger boiling over but tried to keep it at bay. He didn't want to scare the human away. He wanted to spend more time with him. He had a lot on his mind and just needed a minute to breathe.

Jace had noticed Lucifer's stress and could practically feel the tension radiating off him. He wasn't sure what he could do to help. He knew how Lucifer could be. He had seen his anger on many occasions but rarely toward him. Jace crossed his arms and hummed softly as he looked down at Lucifer. "Anything I can help with? Maybe I can make you some tea or food and bring it to you. Or if you're looking for one of the guys I probably know where they are or help you." Jace asks with a lopsided warm smile. "I would greatly appreciate that. Tea sounds nice right now. It's been a bit hectic with everything that's happened in the past few weeks and I just needed a moment to breathe. I think a cup of tea and some company might do the trick." Lucifer lets a small smile grace his features. He was grateful for the offer from Jace. He enjoyed spending time with him. It made him forget about his responsibilities even if just for a moment. "How about we sit by the fireplace? The warmth is inviting and I enjoy watching the embers dance amongst the ashes." Jace's smile widened as he chuckled and nodded his head. "Alright, I'll make the tea and snacks. Meet you over there in about 10 minutes or so." He says and turns towards the kitchen, waving over his head to Lucifer. Even though Lucifer could come off as intimidating and an asshole Jace had come to adore the man. He was gorgeous, one of the most gorgeous people he's ever seen. What he wouldn't give to tap that ass, even though Lucifer doesn't strike him as a bottom, he could dream. But he was too shy to actually do anything other than occasionally flirt with the man. It was times like this that reminded him about his infatuation with the eldest demon brother.

Lucifer hums in approval as Jace heads for the kitchen and walks over to the lounge and sits down in one of the armchairs in front of the fireplace. He crosses one leg over the other and relaxes back into the plush fabric. Lucifer watches the fire dance in front of him for a few minutes before closing his eyes and allowing the heat to warm him. He enjoys these moments when he gets to take a break from being a responsible adult and can just sit back and relax. Lucifer opens his eyes and sees Jace coming down the hall and smiles softly as he approaches. He can smell the tea from where he sat and can feel his muscles relaxing further. He loved that Jace knew just what he liked and didn't like and would go out of his way to make him comfortable. "That smells heavenly. I cannot wait to try it. Thank you so much for offering to make it." he says as he sits up in his chair and looks at the cup of tea being offered to him. He takes the cup and saucer in his hand and brings the cup up to his lips. The warmth of the liquid is soothing as it slides down his throat. The flavor is strong and full and warms his whole body. He lets out a pleased sigh as he lowers the cup. "That's wonderful. Thank you, Jace. This was just what I needed." He says as he takes another sip and leans back into the chair. "Don't mention it. You deserve to be able to relax sometimes Lucifer. If there's ever anything you need just let me know and I'll do my do my best to help you." Jace rumbles out with a smile as he drinks his tea and grabs a piece of fruit. He could feel his cheeks warming up from Lucifer's compliments and the fact that he was able to help him out.

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