Chapter 1: Love and protection

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Gojo's POV

Here I am, the cursed North Mountain. I received news about a curse on this mountain. Considering the immense presence of negative energy, this curse is sure to be an unnamed special grade. This curse is said to be very dangerous so I decided not to bring Itadori or Fushiguro with me. I trudged up the mountain for a bit until I got bored and just teleported to the top. Standing before me was a giant, beautiful ice palace. I stood there admiring it for a good 10 seconds until I burst through the ice doors.

"So, where ya hidin?" I asked, tempting the curse. I stood there and waited for a bit... nothing. "Oh come on, I can feel your presence! You're not scared of me are you?" I laughed. Suddenly, I heard something from the floors above me, it sounded like footsteps. "Ah don't be shy, I'll make this quick and painless for you." I said, prompting the curse to come down faster. As the footsteps and curse got closer, it was easy for me to determine that this curse was a woman, I could tell by the heels. I'm not saying it couldn't have been a drag queen but something about this energy made me certain that it was a woman. As I stood at the entrance of the palace, the footsteps got closer and closer until suddenly, there standing before me was a hot piece of ass. She was so hot, it didn't even occur to me that she was the curse. Not like I cared anyways. I'd never seen a woman this beautiful and I can't let this opportunity go. 

"What do you want?" She asked, her big blue eyes staring into mine. My heart skipped a beat but I ignored her question. 

"Who are you? And what is a hottie like you doing up here in an ice palace?" I asked the girl.

"My name is Queen Elsa of Arendelle, but you can call me Elsa." She said, blushing wildly then turning away from me. "And you are?"

"Satoru Gojo, the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer to ever walk this earth. But you can call me your future husband~" I said, clearly proud of my flirting skills. I already had amazing flirting skills but picked up some other skills by watching Nobara desperately flirt with every man she comes in contact with. What a whore. Elsa blushed. 

"I- uh... Can I just call you Gojo?" Elsa asked, her face now beet red. 

"Heheh sure..." My eyes scanned her body up and down and I licked my lips as I imagined what we would do someday. 

"How bout we take this back to my place, what do you say?" Elsa asked. I couldn't believe it! She invited me to come over to her house?! 

"How can I pass up that opportunity? Hell yeah!" I exclaimed. Elsa walked down the spiral ice staircase and walked up to me until we stood only an inch apart. I leaned in and we began to wildly make out. Our tongues danced around in each others mouths as we moaned. Suddenly, some ugly man whores burst through the doors, discovering us making out. The main guy had a bow and arrow but I was unsure if he knew how to use it. He looked like he had 69 birth defects along with a severe case of autism and down syndrome. 

"Queen Elsa, who is this man you're with?" The birth defect fuck asked. 

"Leave me alone Hans! And stay away from me and my sister! I know you've been touching her! I won't give my consent for you to marry her! I'm the fucking queen so I can do whatever the fuck I want!" Elsa screamed.

"Who are you and why are you here?" I asked defensively. The man looked at me. 

"My name is Hans and I'm here to kill your hooker. Elsa froze the heart of her sister, Anna which is my true love!" Hans beamed. He acted like he was sooo strong. Pff, as if he could take me. I would never let this brainless walnut lay a finger on my precious Elsa.

"Oh fuck off, Hans! I know you only use Anna as your little bimbo sex doll!" Elsa clapped back. 

"Elsa... you know too much. I'm afraid I have to kill you now." Hans said calmly as the men drew their bows and arrows back. Immediately, I lept into action.

"You lay a finger on her and I'll kill all of you right now." I said in a serious tone.

"Woah there buddy, you do know that Elsa here is taken, right?" Hans asked, a sly grin appearing on his face. My heart sank into my stomach.

"W-what?! Elsa, please say this isn't true!" I pleaded. Elsa's eyes widened.

"What the hell, Hans! That's not true! You're just trying to make it seem like I'm fucking with other men!" Elsa quickly screamed. I was on the verge of tears. Was Elsa lying to me? No, she wouldn't do that. I know we met just a few minutes ago but we have a connection. 

"Why are you lying about my girl?!" I snapped at Hans.

"Chill out, I'm just trying to be a good bro. It's bro code to tell a man if their woman is being a hoe." Hans said.

"I won't believe you! Elsa is the love of my life and I'd much rather believe her than some ugly fuck with 69 birth defects!" I said, my eyes watering. 

"Gojo, it's not true! I really love you!" Elsa pleaded. 

"Don't worry babe, I believe you." I replied, stroking her beautiful white hair.

"Men, charge!" Hans yelled at the top of his lungs. The men began charging at Elsa so I knew I had to do something quickly. 

"Blue." I held up two fingers in a gun shape which created a big blue orb that I can control. I wiped out all the men in an instant, including Hans with the powerful blast. Elsa looked at me with loving eyes. 

"Thank you, Gojo. You are my one and only love, I promise." Elsa beamed as she kissed me on the lips. I smiled back at her.

"Alright. Let's go to your castle now, shall we?" I asked.

"Yes, right. I'll lead the way!"

To be continued...

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