𝐅𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, 𝖧𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗈𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗇

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧



It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, and I want everyone to know that you get a Nimbus Two Thousand. Your captain Flint will meet you tonight on the Quidditch pitch at seven o'clock for your first training session.


(P.s) Black, Lestrange and Draco.

Morana had difficulty hiding her glee as Weasley were glaring dagger at her.

"A Nimbus Two Thousand!"Ron moaned enviously. "I have never even touched one." He whispered greedily.

They left the Hall quickly, wanting to unwrap the broomstick in private before their first lesson, but halfway across the Entrance Hall they found the way upstairs barred by Denzell and Ron.

Denzel seized the package from Harry and felt it. "That's a broomstick." he said, throwing it back to Harry with a
mixture of jealousy and spite on his face. "As if we were unaware." Cayena scoffed.

"You will be for it this time, Potter first-years aren't allowed them." Draco chuckled. "What? Jealous, muggle born and vlood traitor?" He mocked

"It's not any old broomstick." he said, "it's a Nimbus Two Thousand. even your parents can't afford it." Daphne smirked.

"Not arguing, I hope, boys?" Flitwick squeaked. "Potter's been sent a broomstick, Professor!" said Weasley quickly.

'Yes, yes, that's right,' said Professor Flitwick, beaming at Morana and Draco with the others. "Professor Snape told me all about the special circumstances,
Potter. And what model is it?"

"A Nimbus Two Thousand, sir." said Aries fighting not to laugh at the look of horror on Granger's face. "And it's really thanks to Malfoy here that We have got it." Morana added.

After the Proffesor Flitwick left, Denzel glare at her and clenched his hand. "Take your filthy eyes off her." Mattheo came behind them with a group.

"Brother!" Morana smiled and huged him. "That's your sister? She is so cute!" Squeal a light blonde hair girl. "I know." Mattheo answered.

"Who are you?" Morana asked confuse. "Evangeline De Lacour." She present herself. "Weasley, leave." Mattheo order coldy and watched them left. "Have a good day." Mattheo kissed Morana's forehead and left.

As seven o'clock drew nearer, Morana and Aries left the castle and set off towards the Quidditch pitch in the dusk. He had never been inside the stadium before.

Hundreds of seats were raised in stands
around the pitch so that the spectators were high enough to see what was going on. At either end of the pitch were three golden poles with hoops on the end.

Too eager to fly again to wait for Wood, Morana and Aries mounted their broomstick and kicked off from the ground. With an amazing feeling swooped in and out of the goalposts
and then sped up and down the pitch.
The Nimbus Two Thousand turned wherever they wanted at their lightest touch.

"Hey, Potter, Black come down!"
Marcus Flint had arrived. He was carrying a large wooden crate under his arm. Aries landed next to him.

"Very nice." said Wood, his eyes glinting. "I see what professor Snape said was true." He said. "Do I need to explain the concept of it?" He asked.

"No." They said together.


After a few days, they didn't miss a single one, and Flint was delighted. After half an hour, night had really fallen and they couldn't carry on.

"That Quidditch Cup will have our name on it this year." said Flint happily as they trudged back up to the castle. 'I wouldn't be surprised if you turn out better than Regulus Black." Aries raised his brow and nodded silently.

On Halloween morning they woke to the delicious smell of bakingpumpkin wafting through the corridors. Even better, Professor Flitwick announced in Charms that he thought they were ready to start making objects fly, something they had all been dying to try since they aaf seen him make Neville's toad zoom around the classroom.

Professor Flitwick put the class into pairs to practise. Morana's partner was Theodore while Blaise and Aries was together with Cayena and Perseus.

Ron was with Hermione and Morana was hard to tell whether Ron or Hermione was angrier about this.

"Now, don't forget that nice wrist movement we'm have been practising!"
squeaked Professor Flitwick, perched on top of his pile of books as usual. "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest." It was very difficult.

Morana and Theodore swished and flicked two times then they got it right. "Two point to Slytherin!" He announced.

Ron, at the next table, wasn't having much more luck. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he shouted, waving his long arms like a windmill. "You're saying it wrong," Daphne heard Hermione snap.

"It's Winggar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the "gar" nice and long." Hermione scolded.

"You do it, then, if you're so clever." Ron snarled. Hermione rolled up the sleeves of her gown, flicked her wand and said, 'Wingardium Leviosa!' Their feather rose off the desk and hovered about four feet above their heads.

'Oh, well done!' cried Professor Flitwick, clapping. 'Everyone see here, Miss Granger's done it!' Ron was in a very bad temper by the end of the class.

'It's no wonder no one can stand her,' he said to Seamus as they pushed their way into the crowded corridor. "She's a nightmare honestly." He added.

Cayena rolled her eyes,"Someone have no manners with ladie." She scoffed. "That why she can't pull one." Aries smirked. "We are young though." Morana answered. "I have hundread of love letters." Aries shrugged making Morana pouted.

The next day, The Court Of The Dark Princess, founs out about the trouble the golden trio caused after going to the third corridor. It was said that 150 points were taken from them.

Very unlucky indeed.

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