It begins

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Greetings! Some of you might know me as an "oh so scary evil force", others might know me as "strongest warrior in the galaxy." I have come here to show you the light on who I truly am. Not a bad guy, ok I am but still. Let me explain.

It started on a dark and stormy night... Just kidding, it was sunshine and rainbows. I was sitting on a rock, in a field, alone. This happened a few weeks after I put Star Dream to sleep if y'know what I mean. I heard a sound, a grunt, and from a distance, I saw them. Let me introduce you to TC. They are a tall person wearing a pitch black jacket and hood, with a dark blue mask and glowing yellow eyes. Spoiler alert, as nice as TC seems, they are a master of manipulation. "Oh, hello, who might you be?" They asked, seeming happy. I turned around, and looked at them. "You already know who I am." TC fell back in shock and quickly stood back up. "Well it is beyond shocking to meet the strongest warrior in the galaxy." And that moment is when I made my biggest mistake. Me and TC became good friends, we had a lot in common, two masked people, exploring the world. I knew them for a few years, we did not talk much, but one day I gave them a visit in Dreamland, they were sitting on a rock. I waved at them, and they noticed me. They seemed a bit confused, mainly because I was a weird insect warrior now, but also because of this weird portal in the sky. They quickly pointed to it and turned around, it was growing, and fast.. "Can we go a single year without some god trying to take over the world?!" After a few seconds, the portal was so large it started sucking things in, trees, people, it even tried to bring me in! Me and TC were fast though, we quickly ran away and somehow survived. After a few minutes, the strong wind was gone, we looked around, and were speechless. Everything was gone, the land was ruined. All of the people and things sucked in were taken to a forgotten land, but we had no idea at the time. "Oh, how did this happen?" TC looked around and started to get worried, I was already worried, but as a knight you gotta hide your fear. Everything was silent, but was soon interrupted by a scream of horror. We looked around and saw... the stupid jester dude and his stupid hat... Both of us sighed, we knew damn well we would have to work with this clown. "Oh, hey Marx, any idea WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" I screamed, letting out all the fear building up inside of me. "Just as confused as you guys." He responded. All of us agreed to find who did this and put a stop to them. WE traveled high and low, all the people were gone, but animals and insects still existed. We explored everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. In fact, we were the greatest trio, I mean Marx was a little... off in every way possible but still. After about a month, we had started to give up, we were starting to set up a tent near a beach. "You guys think everyone is just gone, forever?" TC sighed, seeming tired. "I hate to say it but, maybe they are truly gone." Marx said as he walked around the tent. At this time, something hit me. Is there any point in being a warrior if there is no one to fight, if it truly was just the three of us, did life even have a point?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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