Chapter 1

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Izzy's knee bounced up and down as she continued to stare at her hands. "You okay?" Athena asked from the seat next to her. "Yeah...yeah i'm good." Izzy responded, looking up at the woman before letting her eyes shift to the judge on the stand.

"Next case before the court. The state of California v. Jeffery Connor Hudson. Pretrial motions. Honorable Judge Priva Atkins presiding. Bring in the defendant."

The door clicked and Izzy watched as Hudson was escorted into the room wearing the orange prison jumpsuit and his wrists and ankles handcuffed. His eyes met theirs and he shot the two women a wink.

Giggles could be heard from behind them and Lindsey clenched her jaw at the fact that this man had a fan club.

"Oh, look. His fan clubs here." Lou commented and Izzy rolled her eyes.

"We're on the record. Alright, whom do we have present?" The judge asked. "Your Honor, Ken Decker for the state."

They watched as Hudson and his lawyer were talking very quickly. Ignoring the fact that they had already begun. "Does the defense need a moment?" The judge asked. Hudson's lawyer stood up, "Your Honor, the defendant has informed me that my services will no longer be required. He just fired me."

Izzy's expression turned to shock and Hudson turned to smirk at them.

"He intends to represent himself." Hudson's lawyer finished.


"What do you mean, objection? This is me trying to get a fair trial!" Hudson argued as he stood up.

The judge banged her gavel, "Settle down. Order! Mr. Hudson, if I do allow you to represent yourself, you'll do so with decorum and you'll follow the rules. Mr. Decker, i'll hear what you have to say. Everyone else, please sit down. Ms. Risco, for the time being, that includes you."

While everyone else sat down, Decker stayed standing. "Your Honor, this defendant is charged with six counts of rape. Heinous crimes that involved him stalking his victims, lying in wait inside their homes, and then viciously attacking them. In addition, he brutally assaulted an LAPD sergeant and officer. Beating one nearly to death. All of these women will be key witnesses in this trial. To subject them to being questioned by their attacker would be tantamount to allowing him to assault them again."

Izzy's eyes drifted over to the girls sitting next to them. They were anxious and scared. If this man ended up representing himself, then Decker's right. It will be like he's assaulting them all over again.

"I'd like to see counsel in chambers." The judge said as she banged her gavel.

Athena and Izzy walked down the hall, multiple coffees in hand. While waiting for the decision to be made, the two thought everyone would need a coffee. "Here you are." Athena said as they handed coffees to the girls and Lou.

"Is he really gonna get to do this? Be the one firing questions at us? Because I don't think I can take that." One of the women said. "Which is exactly what he wants. But you all are stronger than he thinks." Izzy told them and Lou nodded, "Damn right. You've already proven it."

"So let's just wait and see what the judge says." Athena told them and they all nodded.

"Oh god, look at them," One of the other woman said as she gestured to the fan club behind them, "So disgusting. Have you see their Free Jeffery Hudson Facebook group?"

Athena turned to her, "Women like that have something broken inside of them that makes them fall for psychopaths. Just don't look at them. They don't deserve any of your attention."

"Audra was so scared that Jeffrey might get out and come after us, so I sent her to live with Carlos and TK until the trial blows over." Izzy said

"Hey Athena, Izzy." Decker called as he made his way over to them. "I'm sorry. The judge is going to allow Hudson to represent himself."

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