Overcoming Adversity

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Violet was starting to panic as she got closer to the wildflower meadow. What had been four zombies and two skeletons was now six zombies and two skeletons, not to mention the necromancer behind it all. To make it worse, it wasn't exactly as if the intruders had remained in one room the whole time. It would seem the necromancer had opened the doors for the zombies and skeletons before making more monsters. Violet was starting to have doubts that her dungeon could handle this invasion.

When she got to the meadow, her fears were confirmed by the lack of the doors having been broken down. Violet had killed three zombies just outside of the roundabout who had been trying to break down the rainbow ball maze and floodplains meadow entrances. However, there were only a few monsters in the wildflower meadow room alongside the necromancer. It would seem that three of the zombies had been sent through to the other side while the two skeletons had been given iron swords and were now acting as guards.

Hoping that the other intruders would get stuck in the slime parkour or pond rooms, Violet decided to focus on the enemies in front of her. Since her sword wouldn't be very effective on the skeletons, she kept it sheathed and just removed her scabbard from her belt. The blunt damage was more likely to be effective on the skeletons, even if she had concerns about whether she'd actually be able to overpower the necromancer.

The skeletons wasted no time engaging her in combat and immediately moved in, swinging their swords this way and that. They were clumsy, much clumsier than David was, and they didn't seem to have even as much intelligence as the goblins had. However, it was still a lot for a beginner like Violet to handle two of them at once. She winced as she dodged one strike only to be struck by another.

Feeling anxious, Violet glanced at the necromancer who appeared rather smug, but was also perfectly content staying out of the battle. This cost her yet another injury as one of the skeletons clumsily swung its sword into her side, leaving a shallow, but painful and bleeding wound just above her hip. Violet cried out in pain this time and she began to have flashbacks of the times when David had first trained her.

She had died painfully time after time without any chance to rest or recover from it. As yet another strike hit, her vision grew hazy and she felt like passing out both from the shock of the pain and the paralyzing fear she felt. If this continued on, she was likely to end up dying.

The necromancer bellowed out a laugh, taking great pleasure in Violet's pain as she continued to struggle to fend off the skeletons. Boasting, he questioned

"Don't you see? You should have chosen to embrace the god of death! I went to all this trouble to show you just how persistent they are and just how strong they can be in groups. Yet you still chose to go with such a pathetic excuse for a goddess!"

Violet didn't hear anything more from the necromancer as her wounds and trauma began to become too much and she ended up blacking out. When she came to, she was once more in the dungeon core room.

For a while, she just laid down on the cool stone platform and cried, both from frustration and as a result of her past trauma. It was so pathetic to die to a couple of skeletons after so much time training! Maybe if she had kept a clearer head she might have been able to handle it, but she had very clearly lost that fight. While she was lucky that death was no longer the end for her, she knew she needed to get her head on straight if she wanted to attempt to go back out there and fend off the intruders.

However, that was easier said than done and it took a while for Violet's shoulders to stop trembling and for her to sit back up. As her head started to clear, she took a moment to take stock of what was happening downstairs. She watched as the necromancer summoned another two zombies, but was surprised when he stopped at that. 

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