14: Holoform

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"Breakdown? Knockout? Do you two have a moment?" I asked as I nervously entered the med bay with two copies of blank holoform chips in my servos.

"What did you need?" Knockout asked as he and Breakdown turned from their recent project and gave be their attention.

'Keep cool,' I thought to myself as I felt a bit of fluster rise up in my spark. 'You're just asking as a friend. Not... not a lover.'

"I wanted to thank you both for resturing my sight." I said with a tint of blue on my cheeks. I then held out the blank holoform chips to them, and my spark thundered wildly as I was trying to stay calm. "I have these for you both so that when you two go out on missions or whatever, you'll blend in more."

"Are those the holoform chips that you made?" Breakdown asked.

"Holoform?" Knockout asked as he took one of the chips and studied it.

"Yeah!" I beamed excitedly. "It's a highly advanced form of silicone projection that works similarly to a hologram. However, since the form uses solid matter instead of light, you essentially become the species of whatever world you are trying to hide in."

"It's also really squishy." Breakdown added as he took his chip and smirked at me.

"How did you even develop this?" Knockout asked.

"It's uh... complicated." I said sheepishly as I shrunk back into myself a bit. "But all you have to do is install the chip into your data port, and it will automatically calibrate a form for you. You can modify the form as you wish, but it's a bit of a finicky process, so it would be best to have me do it."

Once the pair had inserted the chips, I instructed them to change to their alt modes to which they did, including myself.

"Okay, now access the dataport and activate the chip." I said. "It will feel a little weird at first, but trust me, it's worth it." I activated my own holoform along with the pair, and I was secretly blushing under my motorcycle helmet when the pair stopped out of their alt modes and inspected their new forms

Breakdown's holoform took on the shape of  a tall, tan muscular man with raven black hair that included a bit of a beard on his face and absolutely gorgeous golden honey eyes that were soft and sweet. He wore a blue tank top under a leather jacket, camouflage pants, black combat boots, and a set of dog tags with the Decepticon insignia etched on one side and basic information on the other.

Knockout's was a suave, fiery redhead with ivory skin, a sort of goatee on his chin, and redish-brown eyes that would have all the women of this planet swooning. His body was slender but solid, and he was a little shorter than Breakdown. He wore a red long sleeved hoodie with a jean vest on top, a pair of black skinny jeans that really made his ass look good (but I'd never tell him that), a pair of Converse sneakers, and a wallet chain that hung around his left hip. He also had a set of dog tags that hung around his neck just like Breakdown.

"Whoa." Knockout said as he checked Breakdown out. "This is quite strange."

"Yeah, no kidding." Breakdown said as he checked out his rough hands. "Never thought I'd see myself as a squishy."

"These forms will help make it easier to blend in." I said as I removed my helmet and shook my hair into place. "They have a limited range, but so long as you do not wander too far from your alt mode, you will be fine."

"What happens if we do?" Breakdown asked.

"Nothing dangerous, the holoform will simply stop working." I said. "Oh, and before I forget, I took the liberty of giving you both human like names. They are written on the back of your dog tags just in case. Breakdown, I gave you the name Brandon Dawson and Knockout. Your name is Kevin Orville. I figured in case a nosy human were to ask, it would keep us out of harms way."

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