Proof of strength

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The students are in their dressing rooms. Changing into their gym clothes. On the boys side there is talk arising, everyone is trying to get to know each other. When they are interrupted by the door opening.

"Well hello boys! I guess you are the new first years!" A girl looking about there age with blonde hair and a well build body enters their changing rooms

The boys immediately flinch, well all but one. The small student called Minoru Mineta runs towards the girl.

"I have been blessed! A goddess comes to help me change!" He exclaims while slobbering

"What are you doing here!? This is the boys changing room!" Ida exclaimes

While others seem to shocked to say anything and Midorya is glowing red. Before Mineta can reach the girl, he is hold in space by multiple tendrils emerging from the girl back.

"Hahahaha!" She starts to laugh

"Who the hell are you!?" The blonde haired student with short temper called Bakugo shouts

"Hahaha!" Her voice gets deeper and her hair turn grey

"Come on! Its me!" As the scars reform on his body and his body turns back into a male body type the girl turn out to be Y/N

"You should have seen your faces!" Y/N laughes

"You had us scared!" Kaminari a blonde haired student with black accents in his hair exclaims

"Damn bro, you can change your whole body like that?! That's manly!" The red haired student named Kirishima exclaims

"And here I thought I would be blessed... But it's you who is! You can just turn yourself into the woman you like!" Mineta exclaimes

"And your guys reactions were just too fun!" Y/N Snickers swiping a tear away

"Shut the hell up, patch-face!" Bakugo shouts

"Oh nicknames huh? We already on that kinda level Pomeranian?" Y/N chuckles

"I said shut it!" Bakugo shouts stomping out of the changing room after he was finished

"Hey... Do you do requests?" Mineta asks staring up in hope to Y/N

Everyone is silent after Mineta did the impossible and made his actions even weirder. Y/N shoots his right arm towards a locker opening it, grabbing Mineta with his left and throws him into the locked closing it immediately afterwards.

"L/N you can't do that! He is still one of your classmates!" Ida exclaimes

"Oh yeah? All I heard was a pig squeaking!" Y/N exclaimes turning his nose to a pig nose then turning it back to which Kaminari chuckles


Outside they all arrive on an open field with Mister Aizawa waiting holding a small device in hand.

"What about showing us around the first day? Anything about general knowledge about UA?" Kaminari asks

"We teachers at UA can basically do what we want to train you. So to begin this year I want you to show me why you are here. Katsuki Bakugo you were in first place of the practical part of the entrance exam. Come over here and stand in the circle." Aizawa says

Bakugo goes forward coming to a halt in the circle. Aizawa throws him a ball.

"If I'm correct you did physical test like these in middle school too, right? How far did you get it in middle school?" Aizawa asks

"56 meters." Bakugo tells him

"Then do it again now, but with your quirk." Aizawa says

Bakugo pulls his arm back throwing it forward.

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