Tensions of Tombstone

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The tension between the Cowboys and the Earps falls over Tombstone like a dark cloud of uncertainty. The Earps came to Tombstone for the same reason the Cowboys did; to get rich and they had no intention or interest in becoming law enforcement officers again. For them, it wasn't their job anymore until Wyatt decided to break into politics. If he could win as US Marshall, his next step could be a mayor and then he would only climb the strategic ladder to higher aspirations. But then the Cowboys with their partying and desire to have an unbridled good time began causing trouble in Tombstone and that threatened the Earps business and political goals. Wyatt and his brothers knew they would need to swear themselves in once again and wear the badge that gave them the authority to arrest anyone they wanted to. And with the Cowboys becoming more of a threat to the Earps, Wyatt decided to run for US Marshall. Then his power and authority could be unlimited and he would have the ability to exercise marshal law and deputize anyone he pleased, including Doc Holliday.

During an evening of drinking, gambling and visiting the houses of ill repute, the Cowboys find themselves in real trouble. Although they're known for their wild behavior and firing their pistols in the air while riding up and down Allen Street, on this evening, the Cowboy crew were spending their ill-gotten gains on whiskey and women and placed themselves out of sight of the nosey and self righteous Earp brothers.

The commotion begins with a robbery at the general store. Four masked and well armed men held the cashier at gunpoint and ordered him to empty the register. The frightened clerk took whatever money he could find and with shaking hands, gave it to the bandits. Then the bandits instructed the shop keeper to strip naked. The clerk quickly acquiesces, mumbling a prayer to himself. Once undressed, he holds his hands up and begs for the thieves to leave. One of the strangers takes a bite out of a large apple and then places the remaining part of the fruit on the steady head of the cashier who remained still, his hands up.

"Now, stay real still!" The bandit leader demands. "And you won't get hurt."

The general store worker continues praying to himself and closes his eyes while the gang leader shoots the apple right off the poor man's head. When the merchant opens his eyes, he sees the banditos mounting their horses and heading out of town.

Curly Bill and a few others look up from their whiskey shots and wonder what the commotion is about. You work as a waitress in the restaurant they're enjoying their food and drinks and you glance over at the red sash gang and Curly looks back at you. He winks and tips his hat. Curly Bill has had a major crush on you since he first saw you and enjoys his meals at this restaurant just to see you everyday. You always greet him and the others with a warm smile and you show attentiveness to them by ensuring they have plenty of warm bread and that their glasses are always full of whatever booze they're sipping.

On this particular evening, the loud gunfire doesn't shake your routine or that of any of the patrons enjoying their meals. These types of disturbances are regular occurrences in the town too tough to die.

Curly watches you work and is diligent about ensuring your safety. He usually waits for your shift to end and then as always, offers to take you home. Although you stay at the hotel at a reduced rate as a condition of your employment as a waitress, the old cowboy can't resist making you feel safe. And since anything can happen in Tombstone, Curly is delighted to be the man that ensures your safety. Although many eligible men made plays to court you, no one makes a bigger fool of themselves than old Curly. His fellow red sash gang members chuckle while they watch the rustler try to impress you by laying on the charm. On some days, you barely say a word and Curly Bill understands women can have their moody days, but he continues to do things to get your attention. And although you could choose any man you want, you do enjoy the big cowboy. Curly Bill is loud and is usually laughing or drinking or playing practical jokes or telling stories. But he's got a charm that seems different; as big and strong as he is, he seems gentle, almost tame when he's around you. Since he first saw you, he's changed a few habits; he bathes more regularly, has his clothes laundered often so they don't smell like horses and he goes to the barber weekly for a trim of his mustache and his unruly dark hair. He's convinced himself he can charm you and allow him to court you, but with each goodnight that comes without a kiss from you, causes the cowboy to double down and try even harder by having every meal at the restaurant and coming in in between for pie and coffee just so he can be in the same place as you. Curly has even invited you to join him for coffee and when you return to work, he takes your coffee cup and sips from it, knowing your luscious lips had touched it. The brazen cowboy has fallen in love and is completely unprepared and pleasantly surprised when you come to his defense when he's accused of robbing the general store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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