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This chapter is just about Harry leaving home in the 3rd movie it gets better in the second also this is in the 3rd movie but some parts will be like the movie some won't

Harry's pov

I ran down the stairs with my suitcase in hand and wand in the other, right as uncle Vernon stood in front of the stairs in front of me.
"You bring her back, you bring her back now, you put her right!" Vernon shouted as I shout back
"No. She deserved what she got" I shouted back at him as he grabs me and pushes me back a bit before I pull me wand out at him "keep away from me" I warned as I pointed my wand at him.
"You can't do magic out side of school" vernon said
"Yeah? Try me" I said walking down the rest of the stairs still pointing my want at him "they won't let you back now, you've nowhere to go" Vernon said with a sort of calming but scared voice
"I do t care anywhere is better then here" I said as I stormed out from the house and walking down the street towards the swings and hearing dog barks in the background.
I walked over to the side of the pavement and put my suit case down and sat on the pavement shivering from the cold as I looked around  a light start to flicker, I looked up at it as it stopped flickering.
A lot of noise could be heard like the swings squeaking and the wind blowing, I looked behind me towards the squeaking noise to see the swings making the noise, I then turned my head in front of me when I heard a twig snap in a bush in front of me.
Out came a black dog walking towards me then stopping as I started to get up, the dog started to growl and barking as I pulled my wand out and pointing it at him, I fell backwards onto the pavement hearing a honk coming in my direction.
I looked in the direction of the honk and I saw a a dark blue bus coming round the corner and stopping in front of me.
A man who stood at the bus started saying a few words "welcome to the knight bus...emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard my name is stan shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening" the man said looking around before looking down at me sat on the floor "what you doing down there?" He said still looking down at me
"I fell over"I said looking up at him
"What you fell over for" he said  "I didn't do it on purpose" I said getting up "we'll come on then, let's not wait for the grass to grow" he said getting of the bus and going for my suitcase as I walked towards the back of the bus and looking behind it for the dog.
The dog was gone..
"What you looking at"the man said as he popped his head behind the bus right next to me  "nothing" I said  "we'll come on then. In. No no no. I'll get this you get in" the man said as I walked into the bus
O walked through the bus past a snoring man toward the front of the bus looking at the lights that hung from the top of the bus " come on move on move on" the man said right behind me as I walked forward and the man walking past me and taking a ticket out of the ticket machine and handing it to me
"Take her away ern"the man said as he knocked on the window "yeah take it away Ernie it's gonna be a bumpy ride" the talking head said as the man sleeping woke up and started the bus
The bus drove forward at a fast speed causing me to fall backwards onto a bed

"What did you say your name was"the man said looking at me confused
"I didn't" I said looking at him
"Whereabouts are  you headed" the man said standing quite still on the dmfast moving bus
"The leaky cauldron that in London" I said holding onto the bed that I was currently sat on
"You hear that? The leaky cauldron that's in London" the man said to the old man driving the bus as the little head spoke again
We swerved through the muggles on the road making a few turns before stopping in front of a little old lady we came to a stop as the little head started counting down from 10 before the bus drove of faster
"Who is that?that man" I asked the conductor as he closed the newspaper and looked at the page I was looking at
"Who is that? Who is— that is Sirius black that is, don't tell me you've never heard of  Sirius black" he said as I shake my head no "he's a murderer got him self locked in Azkaban for it" he said bending over towards me
"How did he escape?" I asked looking at him
"Well, that's the question, isn't it he's the first one that's done it.. he was a bigger supporter of... you-know-who I reckon you've heard of him" he said with a stern voice.
"Yeah him I've heard of" I said as we started to cross a bridge going towards two other buses next to each other.
The bus started to become thin as we squeezed though in-between the two buses and then squeezing out from behind.
We came to a stop and I came flying to the front of the bus hitting the window in-front of me and then the bus hitting a car in front of it
"The leaky cauldron" the conductor said as I pushed my left from the window
"Ah mr potter at last" someone said from the back of the bus
I got out of the bus and looked at the sign before entering the building, I walked through the building and up a set of stairs  and into a room.
"Hedwig" I said walking towards the owl
"Right smart bird you got there mr potter" the same man that brome to the room I was in said
"He arrived here just five minutes ago before self" the same man said
A man clears his throat
"As the minister of magic it is my duty to inform you mr potter that earlier this evening you uncles sister was located a little south of Sheffield circling a chimney stack the accidental magic reversal department was dispatched immediately she has been properly punctured and her memory modified she will have no recollection of of the incident whatsoever so that's that and no harms done" fudge said with his arms half way in the air 
"Pea soap" he offered
"No thank you" I said  "I don't understand I broke the law underage wizards can't use magic at home" I said looking at him
"Come now the ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up the aunts"he said as the other man sarted laughing
"On the other hand running away like that given the state of things was very irresponsible" fudge said
"The state of things sir" I asked a bit confused
"We have a killer on the loose" he said
"Sirius black you mean" I said looking at him
"But what's he got to do with me" I asked wanting an answer
"Nothing of cause your safe and that's what matters and tomorrow you'll be on your way back to Hogwarts.. these are you new schoolbooks I took the liberty of having them brought here now Tom will show you to your room" he said as I was dragged out of the room
"Oh by the way  Harry whilst your here it would be best if you didn't wander" he said

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