7: love forbidden

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I am running as fast as I can. Far away from the palace. Through the garden, the pasture, past the Gods woods into a field, and down the Kings Road. 

I cannot face it. I cannot deal with my actions in the face of the one I know will judge me the most. Who will reprimand me. Scold me. If I do not run away.

I stand on my actions. I have already stated this oath to myself. I only wish to delay them here in my solitude. Away from Wyndam, the place that has turned my life on its head in a mere week.

Only a few moments ago a carriage from Eastown was announced. I had thought I got off scott free. Spending an evening in Elias' bed chambers. Skipping meals to sneak about together. I thought my sins of the season were forgiven now that I am to marry the Prince. I had been wrong because I forgot about the woman that has stood over my shoulder since birth. That dictated what I learned, what I ate and how I acted for my whole life.

My mother has arrived in Palmerin, and worse, she has brought my father with her.

I wonder into town. As I circle in my thoughts my feet move linear.

"Gods I know that you are merciful," I whisper to myself with my hands clasped tightly in front of me.

I am known for my theatrics. I am not new to running away from home for a few hours to cry or frolic when my emotions run high. My family will not come for me. For they know that I will not be gone long. They will know that I have ran away. I was going to meet with Marcela when I heard the announcement. Before I made it to her, her arms reached out to embrace me, I bolted in the other direction. Marcy will inform my parents that I have stepped away, I know she will.

This is my first time outside of the palace walls since arriving to the capital. The streets bustle with merchants and citizens and the narrow paths are lined with fresh goods and crafts. Men and women sit about tables and share early afternoon tea and share gossip about their city.

Palmerin is a beautiful place. The architecture is the color of  ivory and gold and the people are all shades. Living together from all walks of life I believe this to be the soul, the beating heart, of New Juniper.

I walk through the path, in awe of the sights. The road is windy and has dips and divots from carts, I can only assume. My hard shoes patter on the stone walkway. I smile to an older woman who is sat on her stoop.

A group of children play a game in front of me and I pause to watch.

They have used a rock to engrave a temporary pattern of circles onto the ground and they skip about the spheres in turns.

I smile and clap my hands as a young girl, the smallest of the bunch, seems to have won the game. I can tell that children play different here. Having to adapt to their environment.

When I was you get we played in dirt, in mud, in leaves, in the river. This city is filled with stone, I can only imagine how resourceful the children must become to experience the thrills of youth.

The other kids cheer for the young girl, patting her on the back, before restarting the game. I take my leave from the bunch as I find myself back on the besting path.

I suppose I would like to go inside a building now. I think to myself, not wanting my adventure to end. I look for a shop, similar to ones we would have back in Eastown.

I smile, mischievously when my eyes land upon a building with a closed entry way. On the facade is a placard of a jar of brown liquid and words that write "Thirsty Capital." This is the kind of thing I would never be allowed to do, but no one knows me here. None of these towns people will tattle to my father of my actions.

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