protection squad

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Theo pov

So no one could get in, this time we were watching the thunder mans, after we got to the fifth episode of season one, we heard a bang on the door, peter got up and answered it, and of course it was Scott again but this time stiles seemed to be getting annoyed, stiles got up and walked to the door "fuck off Scott! Leave me and the pack alone I'm done with our friendship and your pack, I'm staying in Theo's pack and that's my final answer!" Stiles yelled then slammed the door in Scott's face and locked the door then he headed back to the couch next to Derek and Peter's chair and sat down, the rest of the pack laughed "that was awesome stiles! You finally stood up to your ex best friend!" Isaac says happily as stiles nodded "I got sick of him yelling at you guys, so hopefully me telling him I'm not going back will make him learn that there's no way I'll go back" stiles says

After awhile, me, Hayden, stiles, Liam, Isaac and Derek went out, it was about 6pm right now and the movie got boring so we just walked around town, looking at places we could eat. We soon picked a sushi place, we all grabbed the sushi and drinks we wanted, then we sat down, Liam was next to Isaac and Derek, Hayden was in the middle of me and Derek and stiles was in the middle of me and Liam, as we ate we talked about funny things, and what we'd do if Scott and his pack were to try and attack us, stiles said that I wouldn't happen but he knew we had to be prepared for whatever, once we finish eating, stiles wanted to go home, we tried to get him to stay with one of us but it ended with Isaac saying he'll stay at stiles to keep him protected from anyone or anything, so Liam, Hayden went to their houses and me and Derek went back to Derek's loft with Peter's sushi

Isaac's pov

Once me and stiles got to his and his dad's house, "hi Noah" I said kindly then stiles showed me to his room, luck it had two beds, it was quiet big but I didn't care, stiles got into his bed and fell asleep right away, so I just sat and watched quietly, a little later into the night, around midnight I heard footsteps, I grabbed my phone and texted the group which everyone replied straight away, I got up and sat on stiles' bed as Scott jumped through stiles' room window "Theo's packs on the way so I suggest you leave or there'll be problem's Scott" I say Scott didn't care and began to run at me but was stopped by Peter and Derek "back off Scott" peter says as theo, Liam and Hayden were now behind Scott, basically cornering him, but then, Malia, Lydia and Kira jumped through the window "you think I'd come back for stiles alone?" Scott says as stiles began to wake up, stiles sat up and Malia smiled "stiles join the pack again, we love you and we need you back "Malia says as stiles shook his head "I'm happy with Theo's pack, so back off or they'll attack" stiles says as Theo's pack got ready to attack

After awhile

Scott and his pack left because they got scared, we were all tired so we just piled on top of stiles once stiles laid back down, Peter and Derek were at each side,Hayden had her head on his chest but waist and be low on top of Derek, while me, theo and Liam were down by stiles legs, we all fell asleep looking like lost pups cuddling up to stiles.

Noah(stiles' dad) pov

I went to go wake stiles and Isaac up but once I opened stiles door all I saw was peter, Derek, Hayden, theo, Liam and Isaac piled on stiles' bed, I smiled and walked to stiles' bed, I woke Peter and Derek up first then the rest including stiles "come on we're going to a cabin in a different town, I'll come back here but you guys can stay there while Scott try's to get his mind and pack right" I say
Everyone nodded and waited as stiles began to pack, once he was finished we went to Liam's houses first, then Hayden's then Derek's loft where Isaac, theo, and peter stayed along with Derek. We went out for breakfast and did some fun things since it was my day off and this would be the last time I'd see stiles away from home, apart from his Mexico trip. We went to laser tag first, the teams were:
Team red:theo, stiles, Liam, isaac
Team blue:Derek, peter, Hayden, noah
I hated the teams because stiles was always amazing at laser tag, and of course his team won the first, second, third and fourth round. After laser tag we went bowling, I won of course, then we went out for lunch and just hung out at an empty park, Liam, Isaac and Hayden were playing around, stiles and Derek were talking and Theo and peter were still eating "this is the best day of my life" Isaac yells, as stiles watched Liam, Isaac and Hayden like they were his kids, I always knew stiles would be a great parent even if he was with a girl, boy, they/them or trans person, I'll accept my son no matter what, he can love who he wants, and I'm glad he's smiling again, "we'll leave to go to the cabin at 6pm okay?" I say as everyone nodded, it was 4pm so it gave everyone time to play around, theo, Peter and Derek joined Liam, Isaac and Hayden in play fighting, Hayden, won against all of them causing stiles to laugh "you guys are losing to a girl" stiles says as the guys got up and kept play fighting, it was good to see stiles in a better pack.once it got close to six pm we got Into my truck, and began to drive to the town, "so what's the name of this town Noah?" Peter asked "it's called mystic falls, not a lot of people live there but it's got food stores and fun places to go, not a lot of people know about it so Scott won't either, you guys need a break and most of the people in this town are werewolves or vampires, you'll meet everyone once we get there, the cabins two story's so there's a lot of rooms for you guys.

(Luv you guys my luvs!)


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