Friend or foe (poem)

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Okay this was a sudden idea but year hope you like it

In this world of ours, where days turn into years,
A question we often ask, with tears and fears.
Is time a friend, or a foe in disguise?
A force that brings joy, or a thief in the night?

Some say time is a friend, a gift from above,
A treasure to cherish, a love to prove.
It heals our wounds, it soothes our souls,
It gives us memories, to make us whole.

But others claim time is a foe, a thief in the night,
A robber of dreams, a stealer of light.
It takes away all that we hold dear,
Leaving us with nothing, but tears to clear.

But what do we know, of time's true intent?
Is it a friend, or a foe, that we must repent?
Perhaps it's both, a balance we must find,
To make the most of time, and leave behind.

So let us cherish time, let us use it well,
For it's a gift, that we can never tell.
Whether friend or foe, it's up to us,
To make the most of time, and let it shine like a fuss.

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