Chapter 7

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(Four hours later)

The rest of the day was tiring as Donnie,Leo,and Raph finished the errands, it was supposed to take two hours but April needed there help as alway.  some engines were there but they managed to finished up all the task and were happy to go home for multiple reasons. Donnie was happy to spend the rest of the day on his lab and try to impress his girlfriend Cleo, Raph was glad to be happy cause Mikey wasn't there meaning no annoying Mikey equals a happy Raph, and finally Leo was happy cause they got everything they needed to get done and got to kick razhars ass and send hime home with his tail in between his legs. 

But when they got home it was quiet. Too quiet. The air was so silencing that you could hear a pin drop. Usually the place would be vibrant Mikey would be running around,cooking,playing with ice cream kitty, playing on his Nintendo switch or just doing all four at this point. And there was a usual ludic vim of warmth that was encapsulated in the brothers lair, but that wasn't there no more. No Michelangelo, no warmth.

Leo, being the leader was the first to call. "Mikey we're home-uh Mikey? Mikey, come on out little bro. Donnie walked past Leo to the kitchen he wasn't there, the living room? No. The dojo? No. Not even the damn garage. Where was he? The question that rung in donnie and Leo's minds like the bells in the towers of Norte dame. Donatello checked the last place Mikey could be. His room. Ever since Mikey was a kid he always liked hiding in Donnie's room in his closet to scare him.

Donnie thought it was funny but also adorable the way Mikey would pop out of the closet Like a jack in the box, to scare him. Even though he knew where he was all the time. He would hide and pop out of the closet so much that donnie would gather a few pillows,blankets,headphones, stuffed animals,manga, just for Mikey and for them to hang out whenever they wanted to get away from Raph and the others.

It was there safe haven there safe space where no one could touch it. With a sense of urgency and hope he opens the door, and it was gone. All of it was gone. All the blankets,stuffed animals manga all of the memories gone. The only thing that was there was a note. The note read.

Dear Donnie,
I hope you find this note cause this was for you, only you.
I couldn't take it anymore, the environment didn't feel safe to me but you've always make me felt safe don,
If you wished to know where I am and what happened while you all were gone  I called my boyfriend and Cleo
To come help me with my things and to move them over to his house so I have a place to stay. I'm sorry that I had to leave like this but please don't tell anyone please.
From Mikey to Donnie
P.s you're my favorite brother
P.s p.s I miss you bro

Tears welled up in Donnie's eyes, biting his lip so no one would hear him cry, Leo followed the sounds of muffled tears and saw Donnie in his room in-front of his closet. "Hey don you ok?" " I'm ok Leo". Said Donnie wiping tears form his eyes, as he hid the note in his pocket. "So couldn't find him huh?" Donnie asked facing Leo. "Nope, I don't know where his is"."crap". Leo thought to himself. Where could Mikey be? 

(Back in the living room)

Donnie, and Leo walked into the room to see a focused Raph reading a comic book as he laid on the couch without a care in the world, not caring that his youngest brother is missing, not caring that Donnie and Leo are worried sick. The only thing he cared about is that Mikey was gone. And he loved that. "Well this is just great. "Are you finally happy Raph? Leo asked Raph with anger hinted on his tounge."

More than happy fearless, I'm glad he gone. "I can get a little peace and Quiet, without that wrecking ball of a brother coming in and ruining everything." "Raph why would you say that? Donnie questioned astounded. "Mikey could be god knows where, and your happy?" Leo puzzled as he step towards the couch angrily.

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