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Hi guys. It's me again.

I just wanted to make the announcement that I will be ceasing production of this book.

Ik, you probably weren't expecting to hear this news. Especially when it's new years and I hate to give bad news before 2024 starts but I need you all to take a moment and listen as I would very much appreciate it.

So, yes, you hated hearing it but I will no longer be updating this book. Here are the follow reasons for the cease of production:

I know I haven't updated since September but I just want to let everyone know that I'm not really doing great mental-wise. One of the reasons being that I am no longer happy being active in this fandom. I have completely trapped myself in this never-ending cycle where I constantly look for any (decent) active members in this community with great art and good storytelling , but so far I can't find any no matter how many times I look. There's still some people  on twitter who are actively in this fandom but not as much as last year. I feel so damn depressed just thinking about it because I've been in this fandom since 2020 (ig you could say I'm a numberblocks veteran) since the pandemic, technically.
And I've met a bunch of amazing people in this fandom throughout those entire 3 years of being active.

But now so many of the friends I've made in this community has left the fandom, and I feel like a last-kid-on-earth at this point. Plus, nobody is really active here on wattpad either so I don't see any reason that I should keep updating this book.

But yeah. I feel trapped. I feel drained. And I feel that being in this (dying) fandom for too long and watching the people I know greatly leave is damaging my mental health.

Another one of the factors for this fandom supposedly dying is that the franchise itself hasn't produced new content since the alpha-numberblocks crossover in 2022. But hopefully new content will come out next year, now that series 6 was announced. (Or maybe in like 2025, if it gets postponed by any chance. ) but I'm assuming that the team is busting their ass right now working on season 9 so it's likely to come out this year I'm hoping, but there's no release date so far so this is only a prediction.

Im praying that this fandom will revive and improve then. But only time will tell.

For now, you guessed it, I will no longer be publicly active in the learningblocks community. so in the meantime, I'll  be finding other things to keep me happy.
I'll be active again if this fandom manages to come back to life but again, only time will tell.

So yeah, that's the message that you had to hear starting the year off. I am very sorry. But I hope you all have a great new year and no matter what happens, keep your chin up and move foward! 🩷

That's all. Bye. 👋 ✌️

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