Episode 4: Off to Alabasta! Am I Even Human!?

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[Third P.O.V.]

"Next time make sure you pay for something" Pan said while making sure none of her stuff got stolen while on the island.

"Hey look I didn't know. My bad. You rushed off so fast I forgot to get my money ok?" He said as he looked at Pan guiltly.

"My bad. I just wanted to see the Island. I've never been to any other Island you know!" Pan said as she hopped onto Striker so they can leave.

Ace couldn't really blame her. She did say she was from another "worldly" place.

"All this arguing is going to get us nowhere you know" Ace says as he starts to untie striker so they can leave.

"Yeah. I'm sorry" Pan says as she sits down. "It was kinda my fault. I do like exploring a lot. But then again its not like I can remember it all. I have this thing where I forget stuff after a while so its kinda hard to remember unless by a smell, or by something familiar or SOMEONE familiar" Pan explains as Ace listens.

"You know you can write this stuff out instead of forgetting this stuff. If this is like a memory: like today, then just write it down." Ace suggested while making sure he had everything for the road...well sea trip...yeah I'ma stop now TvT.

"Thats not a bad idea actually. But I'm not a great writer."

"Improve while writing. I can't even write and I mentioned this to you" Ace said while folding his arms.

"Makes sense" Pan said as she had looked out at the sea. "I'll think on it when we get to the next island." Pan had said as she looked out and watched the waves hit the dingy. She had smiled thinking of fond memories. Some not so good ones. It was rare to remember the good ones. Mainly it was bad memories she remembered more than any other good ones. She could not believe she had to deal with all of those people. Now shes talking to someone who acknowledges her more than anyone else has. If anything SHE had to acknowledge someone for them to interact with them, and sometimes she just never talked to people she knew and she was just forgotten. She felt alone and hated on when really no one wanted to get to know her. And she knew as well. She observed. Really well. But to her she just wanted to give up but she was always SO nice. She smiled now because she didn't have to deal with people that didn't want to get to know her, see her, or hear her. But she had Ace now and then soon it'll be the whole Strawhats. She found a family better then the life she had.

"What'cha smiling about?" Ace asked as he had untied the rope from the docks.

"I am smiling because..." She had stopped and smiled even more.

"Becauseeeeee...?"Ace asked while copying Pan a little

"I found a person that treats me like a human being for once" She said as she had looked at him then did a closed eye smile.

Ace had got a little flustered. "You mean me?" Ace asked as he pointed to himself.

Pan had nodded her head. "You've treated me better than anyone I have known in my lifetime" Pan had finished as she had chuckled a little. "Well besides people I talk to when I need a good time but yeah in my lifetime. Your a ten outta ten."

Ace had blushed then looked away. Pan had laughed and then Ace got mad at her and started yelling at her.


All she could do was laugh. She's never felt happier.

[Time skip cebause why not]


"Yes Pan?"

"I'm bored!" Pan droned. Ace had sighed. "Here we go again with the bored part"


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