Chapter 10 : Best event of the century

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Sirius - This is hilarious harry. Molly and Dumbledore will be red in anger when they read it. I so wish we could see it.

Both Harry and sirius laughed like no tomorrow imagining dumbledore's reaction

The Burrow :-

Dumbledore and Molly were waiting for Harry's reply. He hasn't answered any of the letters by Dumbledore and this was their only chance to sway him to the light. So when they saw their old owl come back with a letter, their excitement increased and Molly was already deciding what she was going to make for dinner. Dumbledore opened the letter and started reading it. Looking at his horrified face, Molly took the letter and dropped it in shock.


Albus - Calm down Molly, I am sure this is Sirius's doing


Listening to her mom shout, Ginny came inside the room with her eyes closed.

Ginny - You guys are decent right

Molly - My baby what do you mean

Ginny - you were shouting and whenever professor dumbledore comes you guys are never decent

Molly - wh....what a....are saying baby

Ginny - I know everything mum

Molly - Ginny you must be mistaken and I forbid you to say this ever again. And why did you come here anyways

Ginny - ohhh righttt. What should I wear for my Harry. He is going to see his future wife for the first time

Albus - He isn't coming

Ginny - WHATT??? WHY??? Am I not good enough for him (teary)

Molly - No baby, you are the best. This is that evil deatheater's doing. I am sure Harry will love you when you go to Hogwarts

While this was happening, Sirius and Harry were really busy with preparations of the upcoming ball. The ballroom in Potter castle was bigger than the great hall of Hogwarts. It was decorated with gold chandeliers and various flowers. The ceiling was made of blue opaque glass with intricate patterns. Only 5 days were left for Hadrian's first birthday in the wizarding world. Invites were sent to only rich influential families or old allies. Shops like Madam Malkin's and Twilfitt and Tattings were booked 24*7. The boy in question was working hard with the goblins to get the ownership of Daily Prophet in the name of Jackson Longines.

31st July
Pottor Castle :-

The castle was filled to the brim with all the privileged families. Light families like Bones, Longbottom, Abbott, Macmillan etc, neutral families like Greengrass, Ollivander, Selwyn, Davis etc and dark families like Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson etc were all in attendance. This was the very first time in over 200 hundred years that all the sections of wizengamot are in a same function. Sirius Black was greeting everyone with the same respect. Now that he has recovered from Azkaban, he looked formidable and several ladies were flocking around him. Parents brought their young daughters in hope of setting them up with the boy-who-lived. Many were hoping to get a glimpse of him since the article of him being lord of 2 most noble houses.

Boy-who-lived becomes Lord-who-lived

Convicted prisoner found innocent?

Innocent lord spends 9 years in Azkaban

In the recent wizengamot meeting, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement or better know as DMLE, Amelia Bones brought forward an old case. According to her a lord of the most ancient and most noble house was thrown in Azkaban without a trial. This led to an outrage in the meeting especially from the dark and neutral section. The lord came out to be none other than Sirius Orion Black who was convicted for the betrayal of James and Lily Potter to the dark lord and murder of 13 muggles and Peter Pettigrew. A lot of people like lord Malfoy and chief warlock Dumbledore outrightly refused to give him a trial. Because of the decision of minister Fudge, Mr Black got his long awaited trial and was given Veritaserum (the truth potion). Sirius Black was cleared of all charges and it was found out that Chief Warlock knew all along that the secret keeper was none other than Peter Pettigrew. Why did Albus Dumbledore deny Sirius a trial even after knowing of his innocence? What were his motives behind his actions? Is he losing his touch?

People in wizengamot were shocked when Madam Bones revealed that she got this information from a letter, which was later revealed to be written by none other than Hadrian Jameson Potter-Black. Yes!! The hero we call Harry is actually Hadrian who was blood adopted by Sirius Black when he was one. Mr Potter was nothing like we all expected. He didn't look like the exact copy of James Potter rather he looked more like his mother. He shocked everyone by claiming his seat as Lord Potter. Now for the readers who don't know, the seats can only be claimed by the heir when he turns 17 and till then if there is no lord then a proxy is elected. Hadrian potter wasn't even 10 when the seats accepted him as the lord. He also claimed the lordship of the Black family. The boy-who-lived is now the lord of 2 most noble and most ancient houses, both of them being the part of sacred 28. He also seemed to harbour deep hatred for Albus Dumbledore. Albus Dumbledore was the magical guardian of the boy so why is there a tension between them? This reporter will get to the truth till the time, ladies get your asses up because Lord Potter-black looks like a dream.

The long wait ended when the birthday boy entered the room looking ravishing as hell. He was wearing a deep blue acromantula silk robe and dragon hide boots which had silver linings over them. He was wearing both his lord rings and a platinum earing in one ear. Walking with the aura of a predator, the now 10 year old boy had enchanted everyone in the room including his godfather who looked at him for a second too long. For a moment the photographers forgot to click pictures and were gazing at him open mouthed. One by one he talked with everyone in the room and formed alliances like a true Slytherin. He didn't dance with anyone for the time being so that his actions wouldn't be misinterpreted. Now using a low powered notice-me-not charm, he was standing in the corner and observing people when a beautiful girl of his age noticed him.

Girl - I never expected the golden boy to be hiding in his own party

Harry - I am not hiding, it's called observing from the sides Ms?

Girl - Daphne Greengrass

Harry - Pleasure to meet you heiress Greengrass but I can just wish the circumstances were better

He bowed a little and kissed her hand like a pureblooded gentleman. Even though Daphne's face was blank, there was a pink tint on her cheeks

Daphne - The pleasure is all mine Lord Potter-black. I've heard so much about you

Harry - I hope all good things, and please call me Hadrian. Did I see you in Florean Fortescue a week ago?

Daphne - I was there but I think I would remember seeing you

Harry - Me and my godfather were under a glamour to avoid the public. So tell me Miss Greengrass, do you really not like Ice-Cream?

Even though Harry was just teasing her, it came out flirty and Daphne blushed under his gaze

(To all those who think that they are too young to flirt, I want to clear that wizards grow faster than muggles both physically and mentally. So 10 year old wizards are like 15 year old muggles)

Daphne - it's not like th..that. I do like Ice-Cream but you can't expect me to be friendly with people I don't know. And please call me Daphne

Harry - I know how it feels. So what house do you think you will be sorted into Daphne

Daphne - it's definitely Slytherin or Ravenclaw, no offense to other houses but they are both too loud and fluffy for me. What about you Hadrian? Before today I would've assumed Gryffindor but now you are proving to be opposite of what people believe of you

Harry - I think Ravenclaw is the best suited for me. I need to go now but it was really nice talking to you. I hope I will see you soon

Saying this Harry left leaving a muttering Daphne


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