Who Is She?

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Everyone was a little surprised to see a girl penguin the same size as Prince Pip walk in the front doors. They didn't know who she was or where she came from. Except for Prince Pip, and he knows exactly who she is. Pip was heading toward the food table to get his food but he decided to go see the penguin girl.

Once the girl penguin saw Prince Pip walk over to her, she ran over to him and gave him a big hug. "My dear sweet, Pip! I thought I'd never see you again!" the girl penguin gushed and happy to see him.

At that second, Pip didn't remember her name until it dawned on him. "Hi, Pamilla." Pip said and hugged back. Then, he let go. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

JP walked over to Prince Pip with the invitation list. "I don't see your name on ze list." JP said as he was gazing looking over the list, trying to find the girl penguin's name. Then he looked at the penguin girl. "I'm afraid you have to go."

The girl penguin/Pamilla started looking a little sad. "Can't you make an exception? Just this once. Please?" Pamilla said as she started to make sad pleading eyes.

"It's up to his royal highness." JP said, making a gesture to Pip.

"Please, Pip?" Pamilla said as she made even sadder pleading eyes at him.

"Uhhh. . . I guess so. As long as you don't 'cause any trouble, you are free to stay." Pip said.

"Yay! Thank you, your highness!" Pamilla said as she curtsied and then made her way over to the food table. 

After she got her food, she walks over to the VIP table. On the table are folded up pieces of paper (or name tags is another word you can use for it) in front of each chair. She then sees the name tag that says "Krysia" on it and the chair that's right next to Pip's. She must be Pip's new girlfriend. I won't let her take my man! She thought and completely tore up the name tag. "Now she'll have no place to sit." Pamilla said amongst herself as she smirked. She puts her food in front of the chair on the table and sits down to eat.

As soon as Pamilla was out of sight, JP turned to Pip and said. "Your highness, who is she? And why are you letting her stay, along with Hunter? Zhose two are not on the invitation list."

Pip sighed before looking up at JP and he hesitated as he answered the first part of his reply. "Pamilla is . . . . . . . . . . . my ex girlfriend. But since I'm a nice penguin and forgiving them for today, Hunter and Pamilla can stay as long as they don't 'cause any harm or trouble."

Just then, Freddy, KC, Krysia, Bodhi, and Ava decided to walk over to JP and Pip and see what was going on.

"Pip, your highness, who is she?" Bodhi asked Pip confusedly as he pointed at Pamilla who is at the food table.

"Yeah. We've never seen her before or met her." Says KC.

Ava and Krysia looked confused and concerned, also wanting to know who she is.

Freddy suddenly remembers who that girl penguin is. "Oh, I know who she is! But, I'll let Prince Pip tell you."

Ava asked and eager to know. "So, who is she, your highness?"

Pip looked up at his friends and crush. "The girl penguin over there." he gestured with a flipper/wing and continued. "Her name is Pamilla. She's my ex-girlfriend. She liked me and I liked her a little bit so we decided to date. After a few days, I started to see her true colors but they aren't the good true colors. Pamilla started treating me badly, making me do all her chores whenever I went to her house to visit, yelled at me a bunch for no reason, she wasn't giving me any love or affection, etc. And, um, because she was doing all that to me, I decided to break up with her. But she just kept wanting to get back with me which I was ignoring because I didn't love her anymore. And I have no idea why she is here. But I'm letting her stay only if she doesn't cause any trouble. The same goes for Hunter."

Krysia knew inside of her that she wasn't going to do any of that to Pip if they decided to confess their feelings and date each other. She wanted to be the best girlfriend Pip would ever have.

"Well, if Hunter decides to hurt you again, you know I won't let him get away with it! I am more than ready to fight him!" Krysia said, making fists with her hands.

Pip knows Krysia is protective of him and will do anything she can to make sure he doesn't get hurt. That's one of the things he loves about her. And if Krysia gets hurt, Pip won't let anyone get away with hurting her or be mean to her and he's protective of Krysia, too. He rolls his eyes playfully. "Okay, then. Well, let's get some food. I'm starving."

After the seven of them (Prince Pip, Freddy, KC, Krysia, JP, Bodhi, and Ava. Yes, I counted right.) go over to the food table to get their food and walk over to their table, Pamilla is seen sitting in Krysia's new chair and Hunter decides to also get food and goes back to the table to sit in Krysia's old chair like he was sitting in before.

Krysia walks to the table with her food and goes over to Pamilla who is sitting in her new chair and asks politely. "Ummmm excuse me, but can I please have my chair? There's a name tag with my name on it, sitting in front of the chair you are sitting in on the table."

Pamilla looks on the table for the name tag Krysia is talking about. She looks back over at Krysia with a smirk that is hardly noticeable. "Sorry but, uh, I don't see no name tag. Guess you'll have to sit somewhere else." She then gives Krysia a fake apologetic smile.

Krysia sighs. "Guess I'll have to sit on the floor. Again." And with that, Krysia did as she said.

Prince Pip looks over at Krysia who is on the floor again and then looks over at Pamilla. "Pamilla, can you please give Krysia back her chair?"

"But where am I supposed to sit?" Pamilla fake pouts at Pip. "I most certainly don't want to sit on the nasty dirty floor! I would like a chair to sit on to protect my beautiful new dress! Krysia is a rat and she can eat on the floor. She doesn't deserve to sit with us. Plus, where did she get that dress? The dollar store?!"

Prince Pip sighs. Pamilla is so full of herself and she's being really mean! He thought. He grabs his food, stands up, and starts to head over to where Krysia is.

"Where are you going?" Pamilla asks Pip. "Don't leave me here!"

Prince Pip turns around and looks over at Pamilla a little angry and annoyed. "I'm going to sit with Krysia on the floor because you won't give Krysia back her chair and you're being mean to her. And I don't want Krysia to sit alone." He then walks over to where Krysia is sitting on the floor.

"Mind if I sit with you?" Pip asks Krysia.

"Pip?" Krysia says and looks up at Prince Pip from the floor. "Why do you want to sit with me? I'm just sitting on the floor because I have nowhere else to sit. Again."

"Well, you look lonely over here. And Pamilla is being so full of herself and won't give you back your chair. Plus, she said mean things about you that I am not happy about." Pip says as he sits down on the floor.

Krysia's about to stand up with anger and wanting to go tell Pamilla off. "What did she say about me?!" Krysia says.

Prince Pip gently grabs Krysia's shoulders to try to get her to sit back down and Krysia sits down on the floor. "I'll tell you in a little bit. Let's get some food in our belly's first." Pip says. Krysia nods and they both start eating their food. 

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