"Miko..? MIKO!"

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A few days later, Ayato and Heizou came back. They gave us useful information on how to rid Inazuma of these pests. I was grateful to them, and promised them some mora compensation. Sangonomiya Kokomi and Kujou Sara came back, battle plans on hand. Kazuha was sharpening his sword, Yoimiya reloading her quiver with extra-explosive arrows, Sayu was polishing her greatsword, Kuki Shinobu reassuring Itto he'd be fine. We were ready, and we would drive the undead back.

It had been going smoothly, for a week or so at least. Soon enough, Ayaka had been shot down. Thoma saw her shot in the chest, since the undead had got a Fatui pyroslinger's gun. Thoma ran to her immediately, trying to make sure she still had a pulse, in which she was. We went on smoothly for another day, other than Ayaka being fatally wounded. That is, until Miko and I were the only one's not wounded alongside Sangonomiya Kokomi. But, Sangonomiya Kokomi was busy making sure everyone was healing in Tenshukaku.

"Ei, watch out!" Miko yelled to me, since an undead's spear was going straight for my head. I dodged it, luckily. We kept on fighting 'til our hands bled. Soon enough, Milo's senses had dulled so much from non-stop combat and she dozed off without my knowledge. I kept fighting, not noticing that Miko had been stabbed. Once I finally finished off the undead nearby, I turned around to see Miko on the ground, her blood staining the nearby Sakura petals.

"Miko...?" I barely stuttered out. "Miko!" I said, more scared this time.

"Don't leave me... I can't lose you, too.."

Don't leave me... | Ei x Yae Miko ( Angst! )Where stories live. Discover now