My dear ромашка (Fluff)

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Ромашка = Chamomile

This takes place on December 24, 1922. You are 22 (born on November 30, 1900), and Soviet is 24 (born on December 30, 1898)

Y/N is a woman considering the time period.

Translations will be at the end.

3rd pov
It was the night before Christmas, and Y/N was waiting for her dear husband to come home from the Russian Civil War. Her heart ached from not seeing him... Soviet did eventually come home, but Y/N was already asleep on the couch. He smiled and picked up Y/N and carried her to their bedroom. He gently placed her down and kissed her forehead, then laid down next to her.

His mind started to wonder off about the war... he knew after Christmas that he had to fight his own brother, the Russian Empire III. The Russian Empire III was just like Soviet’s and Russian Empire III father, except that Russian Empire III has a different flag and a worse army. Soviet always hated his brother and father, both different stories to tell another day.

Soviet shook his head and looked at Y/N's beautiful face and started to think of what the future that may behold them. He started to think that they would have a future of love and children. Soviet the got up and put the Christmas presents in the living room. He smiled at the work he put into making the presents look nice even though Y/N did most of the wrapping.

He went back upstairs and laid in bed next to Y/N. Soviet decided to embrace her. He loved having her so close to him. He fell asleep with Y/N in his arms.

December 25, 1922

Still in 3rd pov
Soviet woke up first and smiled at Y/N, who was still sleeping. He got up and started to make breakfast for Y/N and himself. Y/N woke up 30 minutes later and went downstairs, and to her surprise, Soviet was cooking some pancakes (or waffles) and bacon (or any type of breakfast meat). He looked over at Y/N and smiled.

"Good morning, моя ромашка." Soviet smiled.

"Good morning, darling..." Y/N said while hugging Soviet’s waist.

Y/N watched Soviet cook.

"This is the best Christmas surprise from you..." Y/N softly said.

Soviet chuckled and smiled.

"There's more to come, sweetie..."

Soviet took the pancake off the skillet (or waffle off the waffle maker-) and put it on a plate with the bacon (or your breakfast meat of choice). He gave Y/N the plate for her to eat as Soviet made himself a couple of pancakes and bacon. He brought the butter to the table and the maple syrup to the table. He sat down next to her and smiled softly.

"Thank you, Soviet... you are so sweet to make breakfast for me..." Y/N smiled.

"No need to thank me... it's just something I'd do for my dear wife..." Soviet held Y/N hand and smiled at her. "Now let's eat before the food becomes cold."

Time skip after they are done eating, preparing dinner, and opening presents(because I'm lazy af)

Soviet held Y/N in his arms, gently kissing her face.

"Y/N, you are моя ромашка... and I'd do anything to protect you and our future..." Soviet softly spoke to Y/N. "Моя особенная принцесса... моя маленькая ромашка..."

Y/N nuzzled into Soviet and eventually fell asleep on him.

Time skip to later that night and after dinner.

Y/N and Soviet are cuddling in their bed. Soviet rocked Y/N, almost to the point of her falling asleep.

Soviet whispered to Y/N, "Good night, мать моих будущих детей..."

Soviet and Y/N then fell asleep together... Soviet mumbling 'моя ромашка.'

Part 2?

"Моя особенная принцесса... моя маленькая ромашка..." = "My special princess... my little chamomile."

"Мать моих будущих детей..." = "The mother of my future children..."

Word count: 663 words

Soviet Union x Reader Oneshot (slow updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora