Give N Take x Jin

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                      No one's pov

Hiding behind a  giant black door , a small frame was peeking with her big dark brown chocolaty orbs .

Her long eyelashes flickered as she tried to normalize her breathing . Her dark brown naturally wavy hairs were scattered and she was pushing her hairs out of her eyes from time to time .

She gulped the lump formed in her throat as she fought with her own self whether to walk inside of the room in front of her or not .

The loud screaming coming from inside made her rethink her decision of coming ...... To see ..... Him

All of a sudden , she noticed the sound of the door opening and she quickly hid herself behind the door .

She witnessed two men walking outside of the room ..... Looking so .... Broken not physically but they were fucked up . Their faces expressed it all .

Gathering up the courage , taking a deep breath she finally came to a conclusion to see him .

Exhaling deeply , she took fragile steps and made her way towards the giant door . Her gorgeous hairs bounced with every step she took . Her eyes were round and so mesmerizing that she could kill someone with those eyes .

Entering into the room , she noticed ...... Him sitting on the desk doing some work on his computer . Slighting knocking on the door , she made her way inside and he raised his gaze to look at the small figure .

               Y/n's Pov

I looked at him . Messy hairs , eyes fixed on the computer screen , undone two buttons revealing his bare chiseled chest making my cheeks ..... Burn .

His sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing his veiny arms . Quickly diverting my gaze from him , I stood in front of him at a fine distance .

" O-oppa "

( Oppa : a female term used by girls to call older men "

My heart stopped for a second as he raised his gaze . His eyes met mine and i felt like ..... Dying .

Fiddling with the hem of my skirt , I nervously stepped more closer and looked at him . He had closed the laptop and placed his elbows on the desk , hands joint and his chin rested on top of his knuckles as he gave me his full attention .

" Yes ? "

My voice got stuck in my throat as I struggled to speak . His gaze was so intense that I felt like walking out immediately.

All of a sudden , he rested his back against the chair and extended his hand out for me . My body reacted on its own as I slowly made my way towards him and stood next to him .

Without wasting a second , he wrapped his arm around my waist and my eyes widened as he pulled me on his lap , my legs on each side of his , straddling him .

My hands on his shoulder , gripping tightly as his hands rested on the sides of my waist . My eyes shut close and my breathing uneven .

While sitting on his lap , my feet couldn't touch the ground and it ..... Embarrassed me even more .

" Tell me "

He tilted his face and stared at me lovingly . I could see the love in those brown orbs for me yet I was scared of him . He indeed took care of me and was very caring towards me but the way he handled other people and the way he was so obsessed with his work , it somewhere frightened me .

" I-i need something "

He lips curved into a small smile as he slowly feathered my cheek with his palm . His hand was so giant that it covered my cheek and a large portion of my neck .

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