Souls of Black

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(If you're still here at this point, then you're here for the darker parts of the story with me. Again, TRIGGER WARNING: topics will include many sensitive and controversial subjects many will find not suitable. Please consider carefully continuing from here on out)

The few steps from the cage to the portal held within them all the air Evie could breathe. It felt as though it swelled in the very world before her, fleeting the moment the tug on her leash forced her forward into the bright light. Evie lifted her arm to shield her eyes from the light, shuddering as she felt the rushing of air past her ears until...silence. She opened her eyes again and found both of her captors looking at her with quizzical looks, and the woman let out a soft chuckle to the sight as she held Evie's leash in her hand.

"Never traveled by portal, have you, dearie?"
She playfully asked her, making her eyes fall to the ground. The floor underneath her feet was no longer a dingy, dark marketplace, but rather what looked like a fine marble floor; the notion lifted her weary eyes up to see a most ornate and decorated home, with architecture that had the ceiling several feet higher than necessary above her. The awe in her expression, despite her condition, was evident as she inspected all she could see. A gentle tug once more on the leash forced a yelp from her that she couldn't stifle, making her blush as her eyes once again looked down at the floor. The woman smiled at the act, moving in closer with her voice a little more full this time.

"You're awfully shy, aren't you, dear?" She asked again, letting the trail of her voice lead Evie into a shiver she couldn't place. Her mixed hues moved up the slender frame of the woman until her head was tilted back to let her gaze up upon her. The ember hues burned like wildfire; Evie was so shaken, she could barely keep her eyes up, but something within the scarlet gaze fixated her mind to this woman. She felt her heart pounding in her ears, so much so she began to wonder if all she was feeling was truly fear, but she dare not ever mention such a thing. Much to her chagrin, the women knew instantly, privy to the scent she gave off in different moods and states she was in. The curling of her smile told Evie she'd been caught red handed.

"My, my...I never expected you to be so...enthralled so soon, my dear," she whimsically said, making Evie blush a deep red. Markus smirked and chuckled before turning to kiss the woman, passionately and without shame in Evie's presence before he stepped back again. "Enjoy your new pet, Vic. I've much to do, but don't hesitate to bother," he explained, making the woman smirk and kiss him again. "Oh, I shall, my love. I'll be setting up our dear Evie here in her living quarters," she informed him, giving a warm and wife smile to Evie as though she wasn't holding the key to her whole life in her hand. "Come now, darling: your room awaits."

The deepening blush upon her cheeks was lost in the shuffle; Vic lead Evie up the stairs, letting her glance at every painting Markus had hung, the ornamental armors and decor from ages long past. It was like something out of a history book, even the plight as the metal round her neck reminded her this was no vacation trip. When Vic pushed open the door at the end of the hall, Evie didn't know why she had a small sliver of hope within her. It died the moment her eyes laid upon its contents.

The bed was rather...normal. A simple cot, but one that didn't look very cozy by any means. It was placed in the corner of a room that looked drab, a brown gold color reminiscent of that infernal market at which she was bought. The chains hanging from the walls and the cage within the center of the room were what drew her eyes. She tensed and froze at the mere sight of them; as the air left her lungs, Vic smiled and let out a devilish chuckle that made her blood stop in her veins.

"Don't worry, little one. If you behave, none of this will have to be used," her low voice teasingly said, but Evie knew deep down it wasn't a joke. Whatever sick, twisted things they would do, she would have no choice but to comply. Unless she wanted to make things a nightmare for herself, she'd keep quiet, as best she could. But Vic would have none of it, slowly walking behind her with her leash in hand. She gripped it as she inhaled deeply over her shoulder, placing her hands on both of them from behind her.

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