Chapter 2 revised

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You were hesitant as you carried Mr. Widemouth out the door and across the parking lot.

"Mr.Widemouth is a fun name," the creature smiled again and pointed to a forest path," are you sure, it looks dark Papa said never to wander in the dark."

"Would I lie to you, my Child? Do you not want to be a brave big kid, do you want to force your papa to pick you up when he is so busy?" Mr. Widemouth cooed, his voice holding a rather menacing edge.

"No no, I'm sorry I am brave..." you take a deep breath as your feet crunch on the debris covering the forest path, by this time the sun is starting to set behind you.

"Just keep walking with the sun behind you." Mr.Widemouth looks at you almost daring you to question him.

You nodded silently and followed his advice, time marched on and so darkness surrounded you.

"Breathe sweet child we are almost there." He ruffled himself as his ever-present smile cached the moonlight giving it an eerie quality.

"Y-you're not my friend are you Mr. Widemouth?"

The creature's smile falters after a second and then it goes back to smiling.

"You are my friend, sweet child, I am hurt you are so skeptical of me."

"Sorry, let's keep going then, it's just so cold out here and I forgot my backpack at school."

"Wandering child, I know want to do to cheer you up. Let's play a game, how about we run as we are being chased like in the movies?"

"Is it safe to run? It's almost pitch black. Papa will be so mad at me."

"Papa isn't here right now, is he? Now let's run." His tone becomes irritated and rough.

You swallow hard and start to run not wanting to further anger Mr. Widemouth. The trees were whipping past me as you ran, and you kept running until you ran out of breath. You fell to your knees as you wheezed and coughed trying to breathe. Mr. Widemouth hopped out of your arms and waddled into the darkness.

"Come on sweet child, we are nearly there if you want to rest then may I suggest we nap by the stream."

You shakily get to your knees, staggering into the darkness following him.

"I'm so hungry," you whined "Please can we find something to eat?"

Your pleas fell on deaf ears as you stumbled too far and fell into the river. 

The Rose ( creepypasta x child!reader)Where stories live. Discover now