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I didn't know if I was being paranoid, but while I was spending my time with Kate, I felt being watched.

I looked around to see no one was watching me, Tom and the guys were not around us too

" h-hey, can I use the restroom for a second? " I asked and turned to Kate, she smiled at me and nodded

" Sure, I'll wait for you here " She replies. I smiled at her and I took my bag, I walked to the female bathroom and no one was inside.

After a while, I flushed the toilet and opened the door. But to my surprise, a man wearing a black hoodie was standing outside, I couldn't see his face since his hoodie was covering his identity.

" Sorry, i-i think you're in the wrong bathroom," I said to the guy.

But suddenly he grabbed my wrist tightly, I gasped as my bag slipped off my shoulder and landed on the ground. The guy revealed his face, and my eyes wide in terror

The fear came back. Alexander lets out a deep chuckle

" Zeit nach Hause zu gehen," he said. Before I could fight him back, Alexander hit me in my head, causing me to blackout (time to go home)

kate pov

Something feels off, it's been minutes since Addie headed to the restroom, and haven't come back yet

which is very unlikely for her. I grabbed my stuff and decided to head inside the restroom where we went

As I walked inside, my eyes landed on the bag that was on the ground. I picked it up and realized it was hers, I panic

" Addie! Addie, where are you? " I shouted and opened all of the doors to search for her, but she was nowhere to be found

I immediately took out my phone and called Tom, when I came out from the restroom I saw them running to me. Tom rushed and held my both arms tightly

" where is she? " he asks worriedly as tears fill my eyes

" t-they took her " I replied

my voice almost sounding like a whisper as Tom furrowed his eyebrow in confusion

"Who is they? Kate where is Adeline?! " he shouts as his grip on my arms gets tight, I cry as Bill and Gustsv immediately push him away from me.

Then I realized Addie hadn't told him the truth yet, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down, and then I told Tom the entire truth about Adeline. He accepted everything but he looked like his already losing his mind

Adeline pov

I was scared, I tried to scream for help but my mouth was taped, and my hands and legs tied around the chair was I'm sitting in. A bag was placed in my head and it was suffocating

I cried in fear, I don't know where Alexander took me. But I hope Tom is safe

Then, I heard a door open, and multiple footsteps were coming near me until someone finally took the bag from my head.

I breathe in through my nose, but my eyes trail up to the man in front of me. My body begins trembling in fear, facing my father once again

He chuckles evilly and takes the tape from my mouth, I cry and look away.

" Du verdammte Schlampe " he growls, raising his one hand as I feel him slap me across my face.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I could feel the pain burning in my skin. (you fucking bitch)

Suddenly he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled it back, forcing me to look in the eye of the monster. I sobbed and couldn't do anything to fight him back, the rope in my legs and wrists burned whenever I tried to wiggle myself out

" I've been looking for you for a year! A year Valentina! Why did you run away from me, huh?! " Dad screams in front of my face and slaps me again, he finally lets my hair go and takes a step back, watching me with anger in his eyes

" Du fragst mich? Ist es nicht klar, warum ich vor einem Monster wie dir davonlaufen möchte!? " I screamed

Dad then let out a chuckle. He pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up, huffing the smoke, and turned to me again

(Y-your asking me? Isn't it clear why I want to run away from a monster like you!?)

" I always see your mother in you Valentina, I wiped off every single living family member of your mother, and you are the only one last person left " Dad begins, I glared at him. Gritting my teeth while tears pooled in my eyes.

" just let me go! " I shout, wiggling myself from the rope as Dad only did was laughs at me.

Suddenly he turned to the guard behind him and nodded his head, the guard walked out of the room and came back, holding a bloodied guy in his hand

But my eyes widen in terror as I let out a scream as I watch Dad kick Enzo in his stomach, he groans in pain, causing him to fall to his knees on the ground.

" no! Let him go! D-dont kill him, please! " I begged

but no one listened. Dad pulled out his gun and grabbed Enzo's hair, pulling it back to make him look at me. His face was badly beaten up, with bruises and cuts all over his face and arms, and dried blood on his nose and lips. Enzo cried when he saw me

" see what you did Valentina? You caused this! You brought him here because of you! " Dad shouts and without a second, he pulls the trigger in Enzo's head

I screamed and shut my eyes, feeling the warm blood splattered on my face as I heard his lifeless body land on the ground, all the guards including Dad laughed evilly

Please let this be a nightmare, his not real, his not real.

Hello everyone! This is the end of book 1!!!! I hope everyone enjoyed this so far

This is not the end

Because there is still a book 2!!!!.

I don't know what will be the title or the book cover but I already planned what will happen next.

Thank you to everyone who read this story to the end, I appreciate all of you, the support and the love you all give to my story.

Stay tuned for the Sequel!!!!

Ps: I know there's not much smut in this book, but probably in book 2 there will be a few

See you!

Adeline | Tom Kaulitz ✓Where stories live. Discover now