she calls you mommy when she's drunk (requested)

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"Come on, darling. Let's get you to bed." You said as you held onto Dua, doing your best to get her upstairs.

It wasn't easy since she was so drunk and so unsteady, barely even able to put one foot in front of the other.

"Y/N," She hummed.

You turned to look at her, unable to hide your smile over her cute and silly drunken grin.


"I love you so much." She said, slurring her words as she dragged the 'so' part out.

You chuckled before feeling relieved over the fact that you had finally and successfully reached the bedroom.

"I love you too." You said as you helped her sit on the edge of the bed.

You kissed her forehead before going over to the closet to grab one of her hoodies.

She wouldn't be comfortable in that dress all night and you wanted her to be warm and cozy, especially since she'll surely be hungover in the morning.

You smiled as you returned to her side.

"Ready to get out of that dress?"

Her eyes lit up over your question and she drunkenly bit her lip, trying to flirt a little.

"You bet I am, baby." She said as she playfully raised her eyebrows.

"No, Dua. Don't even think about it." You warned, though not harshly.

You didn't want to hurt her feelings, knowing that she just wasn't herself right now.

"You're drunk. I refuse to do anything but kiss your forehead or your cheek." You said as you unzipped her dress.

She stood up for a second and let the dress hit the floor before she sat back down.

You pulled her hoodie over her head and she kissed you suddenly, trying to pull you closer as she felt a little needy due to the alcohol rushing through her body.

"No, baby, no. This isn't right." You said as you pulled away.

"But mommy," She whined.

You lifted your head and gazed at her with wide eyes, confused and shocked.

"What'd you call me?" You asked in surprise.

"Oops." She giggled before crawling up to the headboard.

She laid down and placed her head on her pillow.

"Join me? Cuddle me, mommy?"

"Later, okay? I have some stuff to do first." You said as you kissed her forehead again.

She just hummed and closed her eyes, already starting to fall asleep.

It sank in more and more that she had called you mommy.

No one has ever called you that and you know a lot of people like it but you weren't sure how you felt about it.

Maybe you'd enjoy it when she wasn't so drunk.

Either way, it took you by complete surprise, and you weren't quite sure what to think.

Caught up in your thoughts, you stared at Dua as soft breaths left her lips.

She had fallen asleep and you could only hope she'd get some rest before that hangover she was bound to have hit her hard.

You kissed her cheek, smiling softly as you caressed it.

"Goodnight, baby. Sweet dreams." You said before leaving the room, your cheeks heating up the more you thought about her calling mommy.

You would definitely be talking to her about it the morning, part of you hoping that when you do, she might just call you it again.

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