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The members cast worried glances at Seungcheol and Jeonghan who were sitting by each other in the crowded van. Today they would be filming a Going Seventeen episode and they knew that their hyungs would have to do their fan service thing again. But they were good at it and it was so natural that no one could suspect that it was fake. Luckily for them, it was a Don't Lie episode and that game always got them going. 

"Aha! You know I just realized that Minghao Hyung has the most points." Chan, the youngest tried to break the air but did a horrible job of it. His hyungs shushed him as he felt a glare from Minghao who was already fuming about the fact that everyone was going to kill him because he had the most points. 

Seungcheol felt bad. He knew he was the reason for the sudden awkwardness in the group. If he had just pretended he was fine with the fan service arrangement, none of this would have happened. Jeonghan would still be talking to him and they would now be laughing instead of sitting in silence. But he had no idea how to fix this. 

They had arrived at the set and today they would be filming in a police station. Boy was this going to be fun. Naturally Seungcheol had to be around Jeonghan, touching him, holding his hand and more. God it was torture trying to pretend so instead of pretending Seungcheol did what he wanted to do. He acted on his feelings and he knew he was wrong. But when Jeonghan did the same he didn't want to stop. 

"Ok everyone, we'll start filming in 2." Their manager announced and everyone took a seat in the chairs arranged for them in the center of the set. Don't Lie was always fun. 

Seungcheol quietly sat in his seat as he watched his members interact. His heart felt full as he watched them talk to each other, happy and content. Then his eyes settled on Jeonghan. He was so beautiful, so pretty, but so handsome and hot. He was everything Seungcheol could wish for. He sighed before straightening his suit as he watched the staff mumble to each other, cameras in hand and spread out. Maybe he should have joined as a staff member. Maybe then he would still get to watch his members be happy without the disturbance he had caused for them. What a joke of a leader he was. 

And before he knew it, filming started and the game had began. And Seungcheol went to work, as he trailed with Jeonghan, staying by him at times and wondering off by himself at others. They were still playing a game and he still wanted to win. 

When the round was over they had all taken a seat back in the center and the game progressed as usual and they were currently in a deep argument on who to eliminate. 

"I think it's a good idea to reveal who's a citizen." The sentence said by Seungkwan caused absolute chaos. The next moment Seokmin stood up and laughed assuring everyone that Seungkwan was the mafia and Soonyoung pressed Seungkwan about how being emotional will lead to your demise and everyone followed. And Seungcheol swore it was pure instinct but as Jeonghan was right beside him he had snaked his hand around the youngers waist and pulled him close which caused him to flinch and move away from the latter. The moment he felt that Seungcheol let go, absolutely horrified. 

"I'm so sorry." Seungcheol whispered, horrified and Jeonghan looked at him confused at what happened. 


"I'm so sorry." Seungcheol moved back to his own seat, and an unpleasant feeling settled on Jeonghan's chest as he saw what happened. But no one else seemed to notice so he decided to talk to his friend about it later when they were back in the dorm. 

In the end the citizens had won and everyone split the money between each other and everyone prepared to go home. 

Jeonghan had went to use the bathroom and Seungcheol decided to wait while the other members went over to the car. Seungcheol tapped his foot on the ground as he waited for Jeonghan to get out and when he did he turned around and went for the door but it was locked. 

When Jeonghan saw Seungcheol struggling with the door, he walked over to him.

"What happened?" He asked and Seungcheol grunted as he pushed at the door. 

"The damn door is locked." 

"Oh. Well I can call one of the members to come get us." Jeonghan was going to open his phone but realized it was dead. "If my phone wasn't dead." He sighed before turning back to Seungcheol. "Can I - can I use your phone?" 

But Seungcheol only groaned. "Do you really think I would be slamming my damn body against the door if my phone was with me? I gave it to Dino because he said he left his phone at home and wanted to play a game." 


"Well now we're fucking stuck in here." 

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