Chapter 5

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"Stop that.”

Regina, was trying to study - a task being made increasingly difficult by the faint but frequent snap coming from the opposite side of the table every fifteen seconds, like clockwork. Along with the giggles that came from people as they passed by them.

She and Jim were in the Starfleet Academy library trying to finish their homework.

Jim hadn’t put down his phone since they got here nearly an hour ago. She had no idea what he was doing, but it was really getting on her last nerve.

“Stop what?” he asked innocently, flashing her his purest of pure blue gazes.

Regina rolled her eyes before turning her attention back towards the textbook spread out beside her tablet. She was comparing her notes to the source material, checking for accuracy, and - 


"That! Stop doing... that!”

“Oh, this?” Jim asked, giving his phone a wiggle as Regina narrowed her eyes, taking deep breaths to calm her anger and the urge to rip his head off.. 

“You’re making it very difficult to get anything productive done.”

“Well, so are you." Said Jim, making Regina's lift an eyebrow in question. How dare he accuse her of being a distraction? 

“What on earth are you talking about, James?”

Setting his phone down on the desk, he turned it around and pushed it forward so she could see the screen. It was currently open to his photo gallery.

“If you weren’t so gosh darn pretty, I wouldn’t have to keep taking pictures of you to add to my collection instead of studying. I really can’t help it; it’s basically involuntary at this point.”

Regina could feel her cheeks turning pink as she stared down at a plethora of still images of herself, nose in her textbook. There were certainly an hour’s worth of photos to scroll through, but she didn’t have time to look at them all before he snatched his phone back, pointedly snapping another picture of her just as she looked up.

"Oh, that’s a good one. That just might be your new contact photo.” he mused, smirking as he met Regina’s gaze from across the table. His eyes twinkling with mirth, he declared, “If you want me to stop, you’re going to have to come over here and make me.”

Huffing quietly, her cheeks still pink, Regina looked back down at her notes.

“You are an idiot.”


"How about this, if I win the test tomorrow then you go on a real date with me. If you win you can ask me anything." Said Jim, smirking.


When Kirk was grinning…it was never a good thing.

"Why are you so happy?" Said Bones, glancing at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Said Jim just kept smiling.

"No, I don't suppose you do." he rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, I'm taking the test again," Jim said, changing the subject.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

"Yea, tomorrow morning and I want you to be there."

"You know, I've got better things to do than watch you embarrass yourself for the third time. I'm a doctor, Jim. I'm busy."

"Bones, it doesn't bother you that no one's ever passed the test?" Jim had to ask.

"Jim, it's the Kobayashi Maru," Bones deadpanned, "No one passes the test, and no one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds. Except Regina, but she was forced and only had little time to study."

Jim shook his head, smirking, "I got to study. I got a deal to win."

Bones scoffed, "Study my ass." he muttered. "Care to explain James?" He sighed, unamused.

"Well I manage to talk to our beautiful Queen. If I pass this test than I get a date with her."

"WHAT. How did you manage that?" Shouted Bones, shocked that Regina had accepted Jim's deal.

Regina Peverell was the genius of Starfleet Academy. Eveyone knew she had more than one major. Many wondered why she didn't go into command when an admiral made her take the Kobayashi test, making her the first person to pass the test. She was also very popular among the cadets, but many who tried to confess were rejected or turned up mysteriously bruised, scowling at a smirking James Tiberius Kirk.

Now, everyone knew despite his playboy reputation, James Kirk was in love with Regina, but they didn't know if she returned the feelings. No matter how many girls tried to sway his attention, his attention would always return to Regina.

As Bones was about to say something he realised Jim had left him. Leaving him standing alone in shock.

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