Nick Andopolis's band is not winning any awards

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"Hi everybody." That geek Millie says to the whole lunch room as she's dressed like the little girl from the prairie. "If you're just a boy or a girl who can't say no.."

"Than you won't be able to say no to tickets to McKinley's drama presentation of..." Some boy picks up her sentence.

"What? What?" Nick asks them from your lunch table where the group sat.

"Oklahoma!" The two say in unison, all cheery.

"Oh no!" Nick responds.

"So come on down partner, and leave the ducks and geese at home!" The boy says.

"Oh, what a beautiful evening you'll have!"

"Yee-haw!" They shout and then prance away.

"Wow, you'd look good in that dress." Nick says to Lindsay.

She scoffs. "Thanks."

"Hey, you guys want to rehearse today?" Nick turns away from Lindsay to ask the table.

"Hell yeah!" A guy from Nick's band says.

"Yeah?" Nick is nodding his head at everyone.

Daniel nods and grins.

"Yeah sure." Ken nods slightly as he glances from you to Nick.

"Is this you're guys rock band?" Lindsay asks.

"Yeah." Nick says, getting all shy. "We got auditions for battle of the bands coming up. The winner gets 300 bucks!"

"Tell her your awesome name." You say to Nick, Lindsay looks interested.

"Creation." He says, all cool.

"Don't listen to him." Daniel says. "We don't have a name."

Nick sighs. "Whatever." He always tells you about convincing the guys to settle on that name. "Alright guys, 3:00."

"Nah, I got something to do at 3." Daniel says.

Ken punches his arm. "How about 3:01?"

"How about 3:15, I've got to fit in your mother." Daniel takes a bit of his food.

"You wanna sleep with my mom?" Ken asks as Daniel just nods.

"Lindsay, me and Kim usually watch them if you want to join us." You turn to her.

"Y/n loves watching me sing." Ken says. He had been growing out his curls.

"Yeah, I bet she does." Daniel's eyes meet yours, and you remember how he knows about the kiss. The kiss. The kiss. Just thought it should be repeated for dramatic effect.

"What just happened?" Nick looks around the table.

"Daniel's high, that's what happened." You say, avoiding the gaze of both Ken and Nick.

"Isn't he always." Ken says.



Nick's basement


"I've been waiting so long!" Ken sings into the microphone as you watch him and Daniel jump around the makeshift stage. Nick is behind the large drum set and their other guitarist is by Nick. "Yes, I've been waiting so long."

A smile spreads across your face as you watch them. Lindsay's next to you on the couch and Kim is on the connecting one. All three of you are jamming out to the music, which is a bit chaotic at the moment.

"I said, I've been waiting too long!" Ken roughly sings as the rest shout. "To be where I'm going. In the sunshine of your love!"

Nick goes crazy on the drums as you, Lindsay and Kim cheer.

"That was amazing." Kim says. "Baby, you look so hot when you play."

Daniel jumps onto the couch with her and kisses her.

"Whatcha think?" Nick comes up to you and Lindsay. "That was pretty amazing, huh?"

"That was really wild." Lindsay says, beaming.

"Hey, Lindsay came up with some great names for the band, tell them Lindsay." Nick says, calling the attention to her.

"Oh yeah?" Ken asks. "I hope it's something catchy like, Math-letes." He jokes.

"That's a winner." You laugh.

"Alright, let's hear them." Daniel says.

"Well, I thought the band needed a name that not only said who you were, but what you want to represent to the audience. So..."

"Say it!" Ken says.

"Tell 'em." Nick encourages.

"Okay, here's one: Mission Control."

"No way." Daniel says.

"I like that one." You say defensively to Daniel.

"Yeah, but you don't count, you like everything." Ken says, you give him a look.

"It sounds like some space thing." Daniel says.

"Okay, next one." Nick says. "You guys are going to love this."

"Anarchy's child."

"No way!" Daniel jokes.

"Boo!" Everyone says.

Lindsay laughs. "Well you guys can't think of anything better."

"Hello, ladies, gentlemen." Mr. Andopolis, Nick's dad, says from the stairs.

"Hello." Everyone says, sitting up, everyone knows how strict he is, especially as he's standing taller then everyone in his military officer's uniform or whatever that was.

"I take it the symphony's over, than?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, Dad, we just finished." Nick says. "It sounded a lot better though, right?"

"Nick, can I talk to you for a moment?" Mr. Andopolis says, calling upon him like the asshole he truly was.

Nick hesitates, he's smile dropping. "Yes, sir."

Mr. Andopolis nods, "I'll be upstairs." And he walks off, leaving the room in silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Daniel mocks in a low grading voice. "Let's get out of here." He says normally.

"Hey, uh. I'll just be a minute." Nick sighs.

Daniel looks up at him. "Yeah, but he won't." He motions upstairs.

"I'm hungry, let's get something to eat." Kim says.

"Can't you guys at least wait for me?" Nick asks.

"I'll wait for you." Lindsay says as you leave her side to follow the rest out of the basement.

"This is Mission Control, requesting to rock out." Ken says in a radio-like voice.

Lindsay and Nick soon meet up with the rest of you guys at the dinner, where the guitarist works, Daniel likes to go there cause usually he would give them free food.

You stayed there till it got dark, Kim and Daniel eventually left together, leaving you, Ken and the power couple: Lindsay and Nick, who spent half the night flirting.

You weren't jealous. No. You had accepted it, Nick likes Lindsay, Lindsay liked Nick. They worked. And you just had to forget about that tall, funny, cute guy who always knew what to say to cheer you up.

"You guys sounded good today." You told Ken as you two got in your car together, heading back to your street.

"Thanks, that really means a lot coming from the girl who liked the name Mission control." He scoffed.

"I didn't love it, but I didn't want to make Lindsay feel bad. She tried." You shrugged.

Ken laughed. "So what, you and Lindsay are tight now."

"I guess so." You pull up to the front of his house.

"Thanks for the ride, Y/L/N." Ken says as he gets out of the car.

"Hey Miller!" You call out the open window, Ken turns to you in the middle of his walkaway. "I like the curls." You smile at him.

"You're such a tease!" He shouts as you wave bye to him, driving off.

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