V1 - C2 - P4: Revenance Pt2.

9 1 0

(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.
(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.


Bright sparks and flashes of lightning emanated from his left hand. Gripping the radiating energy with his right hand, he shaped and stretched it into a spear. He twirled it with flair, and aimed it at the group.

Kade Northwood:
"Thunde Magic, Lightning Javelin."

Shinoda Seiji(INT):
"He's adapted faster than I thought!"

Caught in shock, the group hurriedly withdrew, but Kade, with a firm grip on the lightning javelin, launched it at them. The resulting explosion thundered through the area, igniting a blaze that swiftly spread to the surrounding trees.

Seiji, waving away the smoke, observed the trees catching fire and rushed over to put out the spreading flames.

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