Chapter 2

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The morning unfolded with a soft glow as I awoke from my sleep. The tender touch of dawn wrapped around me, whispering sweet assurances of happiness. Outside, the world transformed into a winter wonderland, with snowflakes dancing gracefully, adorning the landscape like delicate jewels. I could feel the magic in the air, a subtle anticipation that hinted at the possibility of something extraordinary happening on this enchanting day.

Venturing out of my room, I embarked on the ritual of the morning, a pilgrimage to the shower. My mother's greeting, a melodic "good morning," wafted through the air, a comforting symphony that resonated in the corridors of our humble home. Though our residence lacked the opulence befitting the Capitol's elite, I embraced our simplicity with pride.

In the realm of affluence and extravagance, my family existed on the fringes, hidden from the discerning eyes of my well-heeled classmates. Behind the facade of privilege, the reality of our financial constraints remained a guarded secret. Yet, amidst the glittering facade of wealth, I harbored no shame in our modest circumstances. For within the embrace of my mother's unwavering love, I found a wealth far more precious than gold.

After taking a refreshing shower, I carefully adorned my crisp uniform, each button a symbol of the day that awaited me. Descending the stairs, the aroma of my mother's culinary prowess enveloped the air, drawing me to the dining table where she had prepared a breakfast feast. The centerpiece of the meal was her freshly baked bread, a labor of love that never failed to delight my taste buds. The warmth of the kitchen mirrored the love that filled our home, and I couldn't help but savor each bite as if it were a sweet, lingering kiss.

With gratitude expressed and the lingering taste of her delicious creation on my lips, I bid farewell to my mother, her eyes filled with maternal pride. Stepping into the wintry embrace of the outdoors, I embarked on my journey to school. The world transformed into a winter wonderland, snowflakes dancing gracefully from the heavens to blanket the landscape in pristine white. The city wore a quiet elegance under its snowy veil, and I found solace in the serene beauty that surrounded me.

As the day unfolded, it became increasingly evident that my intuition about it being extraordinary was spot on, and it was solely due to my punctuality in class. With a sense of accomplishment, I settled into my seat, arranging my bookbag beside me.

A sweet voice, gentle as a whispering breeze, reached my ears from behind. "You're not late," spoke Clemensia, a classmate whose kindness had always intrigued me. There she was, sitting with a warmth that rivaled the soft hues of a sunset. I had harbored a secret desire to befriend her, but the courage to initiate such a connection eluded me—until this very moment.

"Yeah," I replied, my nerves evident in my voice. A subtle tension lingered between us, one that had the potential to blossom into a newfound friendship.

"Luckily, Coryo is here," Clemensia gestured toward Coriolanus, who sat beside me. "He saved you yesterday." Her words hung in the air, laden with a mysterious implication. I had often wondered about the dynamic between Clemmy and Coryo, sensing an unspoken connection.

Turning to face Coryo, I found his gaze already fixed on me, a warm smile playing on his lips. Caught off guard, I looked away abruptly, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me. Why did I turn away? In that fleeting moment, I wished I could turn back time and respond to his smile with one of my own. You shy idiot, I scolded myself inwardly, the realization of a missed opportunity lingering in the air like a gentle, yet undeniable, breeze.

As our conversation hung in the air, the entrance of Mr. Highbottom abruptly severed it. He strode in, an imposing figure with a demeanor as frosty as the chill in the early morning air. "Good day, everyone," he intoned, his voice cutting through the room. "Now, you will be paired for the task I am about to give you. You will only be given our class schedule of time to complete this essay." The room buzzed with anticipation as he began to call out names, linking each of us with a partner.

As he methodically paired each student, my name resonated in the room alongside Sejanus Plinth's. Despite the chilly reception Sejanus received from our peers due to his non-Capitol origins, I saw beyond societal judgments. His heart, guided by a moral compass, fascinated me. I had never engaged in conversation with Sejanus before, but purpose had interwoven our paths through this unexpected pairing. Regardless of the prejudiced whispers surrounding him, I recognized a goodness in Sejanus that intrigued me.

As Sejanus approached my seat, a simple "Hey" escaped his lips, and I met his gaze with a smile that seemed to set the tone for the unfolding tale of our collaboration. Together, we embarked on the journey of crafting an essay, our words weaving seamlessly as we raced against time.

Amidst the shared laughter and exchanged ideas, my attention momentarily drifted, and I found myself casting a glance around the room. To my surprise, I locked eyes with Coryo, and within the depths of his gaze, I detected a subtle hint of something similar to hurt. Puzzled, I pondered the meaning behind that fleeting expression, yet before I could unravel its mystery, Coryo redirected his focus to his assigned partner, Lysistrata, engrossed in their collaborative effort. Uncertain of the unspoken sentiments, I dismissed the curiosity that lingered and immersed myself once again in my essay with Sejanus.

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The bell chimed, announcing the end of class, and Sejanus and I shared a triumphant smile, having successfully navigated the challenges of our joint essay. With the weight of the completed assignment lifted, we strolled out of the classroom side by side, expressing gratitude for the seamless teamwork that had brought us success.

As we neared the hallway's divergence, Sejanus spoke, his voice warm and friendly, "Bye, Beatrice," and he headed in the opposite direction.

I did a casual farewell, "Yeah, bye," and strolled in the opposite direction, all the while glancing over my shoulder. Lost in my own thoughts, I failed to notice the figure approaching, resulting in an accidental collision. "I-I'm so sorry," I stammered, pivoting to face the person I had bumped into—Coriolanus.

"Next time, you should look where you're going," his tone was icy, a sharp contrast to the warmth I'd felt yesterday.

Intimidation washed over me, and I apologized, "I'm really sorry, Coryo." Confusion and shock painted my expression; what had changed since our pleasant interaction?

"Just... never mind," he dismissed, hastening towards his destination, leaving me standing there, bewildered.

This unfamiliar chill was a new landscape, and my heart pinched, unaccustomed to his sudden coldness. Questions swirled in my mind—had I unintentionally offended him? His abrupt change left me pondering, unable to shake the unsettling feeling lingering in the air. The warmth of yesterday seemed like a distant dream, replaced by a cold breeze that whispered of uncertainties and unanswered questions.

As the day unfolded, I realized how mistaken my earlier declaration of it being extraordinary was.

A/N: Ooh, I sense jealousy?!

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