the terror of Tal'dorei pt 1

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As we zoom In we see a group of people get absolutely fucked one crushed one slashed another crushed and one vaporised we zoom out to a tavern where we see a group of people drinking having a good time

A goliath drink alot with 2 half elves a gnome and an ashari with a halfling sat next to the gnome woman

"Chug chug chug chug chug"

Grog finished the drink

Grog:"yeah whos the man!"

Percy:"Grog wins again"

Vax:"god why do we play drinking games with a guy twice our size"

Vex:"because its the quickest way to get drunk"

Keyleth:"who's drunk not me I think w-we-we shoul-" the very drunk ashari threw up

Pike:"didn't you only have one ale" she stopped and looked at the vomit "so chunky" dry heav's and looked to her left

Elli:"she is such a lightweight" still drinking the ale and looks sober compared to the rest of them

An orc stepped into keyleths vomit

Orc:"ahh watch it bitch" he said angrily

Grog:"hey you watch it dick nose"

Elli:"easy Grog we don't waste our time on walking asshole plus I think by his tone well get to kick his ass later"

Vex:"oi tavern keep another round for vox machina the greatest band of mercenaries in all the realm"

Orc:"greatest" he started laughing "I heard you couldn't even save a cow from a burning barn"the orc and his group of cronies start laughing"vox machina what a fucking joke"

Vax:"let's keep thing civil friend were not looking for trouble" the halfling stood up and stealthed behind one of them

The orc stood up and grabbed vax "oh I bet your not everyone knows you a bunch of pathetic losers who can't keep a fucking job" he looked vax up and down" look at your scrawny ass to weak to tickle your own pickle" he smirked

Vax:"are you offering to help" he said and grabbed the orc bicep

Orc:"yeah" he smirked then blushes "no- i- fuck you"

Vax:"aww I'm only asking you to give me a hand" vax grabbed his hand and pulled it and Grog cut it off the orc fell against the bar

Grog:"you know vax I think he's willin oo can I keep this Grog smiled happily

Orc:"don't just stand the gorkin lads kill em"

Elli slit one of there throats then drew her katana called last wish and stabbed another in the chest

Grog flipped a table and all he'll broke loose

Everyone was fighting some one and elli pulled pike out of the way of Vex so she didn't trip on her as Grog landed on percy and keyleth threw up in the doberman man's mouth and he threw up on the floor vax had thrown money to Vex

Elli:"where the fucks scanlan?" She asked herself outloud

Vex whistled and trinket smashed threw the wall (best bear) and she threw the person she was fighting to him

Meanwhile with the horny bard

Scanlan:"La da da my ladies rose I will pluck it is time for us to fu-" he is cut off as percy is thrown threw the door they scream

Scanlan:"the hell percy if you want to join you gotta ask first" he said sounding peeved

Percy:"scanlan I should have know can you put on some pants and help us"

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