chapter 13

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I shout excitedly when I saw her but I stop when I saw her with someone and looks like they talking serious matter

And base on what I see he's also a doctor I don't know but I feel jealous come up to me and was about to take my wife away with that guy when I saw my wife hug him I don't know but I feel hurt he never done that to me

When Patricia was about to look on my way I hide right away

"What's the matter doctor Armstrong is there a problem ?"

"Ah I think I saw someone familiar "


"Nothing let's go"

I feel heavy on my heart but I have to trust her ,she love me she said it so I have to trust her

When I feel like they're gone I get out to where I'm hiding and look at my wife back


"Everything will be alright doc bright"
I said

"I don't know what to do anymore ?t-this the second time I loss a patient again after him"

After doc bright told about he's past all I feel about him is empathy because losing someone important and you love is the most hurtful battle you will feel in this life because you feel like there's no hope or life waiting for you

"I made a promise to him b-before he...."
I hug him before he could even finish it

"I'm sorry doc "

"Don't "
He pushed me away lightly and look at me

"It's not like you're the reason why I'm this state "
He said

I don't know but I feel like I saw freen here in this hospital or I'm just mistaken

"What's the matter doctor Armstrong is there a problem?"
He asked I look at him and smile lightly

"Nothing, let's go"

I look back once again and there

There's no one

He just nod and we leave the place right away

Did freen visit me here , should I call her?

I took out my phone and dial her number

"Whose your calling?"

"My wife"
I said right away I didn't mind because that's the truth

"Looks like your wife is really important"

I look at him for a moment before looking at my phone and dial the number again because he didn't answer

"More than anything else doc"
I said truthful

"Well I'll excuse myself"
He said and left me right away

Why your not picking it up?

"Hi miss beautiful can I get your number?"

"I don't have time with you leave me alone"

I said and try to call her once more

"Wow I can't believe my wife would say something like that"

I lift my face and look at that person

I don't know why but I feel happy right away when I saw her

"Hi miss me?"
She said

I look at her in serious

"Why you didn't answer my calls?"
I said and show her my phone

"You called?"
She said and took her phone and look at it

"Oh?sorry it was silent I didn't know"

I signed

"Next time answer it I'm worried"

I said

She smile and hug me

"Don't worry I'll answer it right away,if you call me and I will Puth on the volume so I could hear it right away how about that?"
She explain

I don't know but is it just me or not but I think she doesn't look fine at all

Can she just tell me honestly


"Let's go"
He hold my hand

"Where we going?"
I asked

"Lunch it's your lunch time right?"
She said

"Yeah "
I answer

"Good let's eat lunch I'm hungry too"

"You didn't eat?!"
I can't believe this, it's almost one

"You didn't take breakfast are you?"
I asked

She look away and scratch her nape

"Ah..... I bread "
I look at her in serious face

I give her a warn look

"Okay okay I'm sorry I really want to see you right away so I got here "

I don't know why but I feel guilty about it although I never felt that feeling Before

"Why would you do that you let yourself starved ,what if something happens to your body again"
I said

She smile

"And I'll apologize for that "
She hold my both  hands and kiss it

"I Will not do something that will make you upset,please don't be mad at me "

"Freen this is something that you cannot apologize for what if something happened for real "

"Patricia I'm not that kind of idiot to let myself get hurt again"

I don't know but I think this will end to heated  argument

"But freen!"

"Patricia I'm fine!"
She said

We fall silent after she shout

"I-im sorry Patricia "
She try to hold me but I refuse to

"Okay fine ,well if you excuse I have to go"

I don't want us to fight like this or have some kind of misunderstanding or get ourselves end up fighting over a small thing but for me this is not a small thing


I agressively scratch the back of my head

Why of all this day why would have to happen like this

I want to follow her but I know I hurt her feelings now and the only thing I could do is let her be alone because if I end up following her we might get into fight

"Why this day , I only want to be with her"
I sadly said to myself

I know that she's worried but is it to much?
She's acting like a mother to protect her child 24/7

And I'm not a child not anymore

I stamp my one foot on the floor in frustration

I signed this is not the time to let my pride up Patricia is my wife

I miss her

I really want to apologize but how?

I'm the One who do this

I look at the hallway where she go

"You really are an idiot freen"

Now what should I do to ease my wife?

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