School Shooter

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Lexies pov:
I'm currently in English, and I'm sitting next to Amy as we're were talking about the party last night, the school shooter alarm, then went off
Mrs. Don't worry, class. I'm sure it's just a test. Let's get in the cupboard. Lock the door and use chairs quickly
She said, locking the door and closing the blinds. we all got into the big cubord, and the teacher put a chair there and hid under her desk, telling us all to be quiet in there.
A. She sounds serious
L. Ik
We said, whispering it was a small class about 14 of us
L. Let's stay quiet in case
Just then, we heard a bang. April started crying loudly
L. Shh, apes
A. Sorry
Everyone was silent. A few people were crying just then we heard the classroom door. I think anyway, then Mrs Fisher
Mrs. Please don't do this. I have a husband and kids, please
Bang, he shot her even more silent cries broke out the door closed after that the shooter was gone me and amelia are holding eachothers hands daniel (a boy in the class headed to open the door )
A. Daniel, no, what if he comes back, wait for the police to tell us
D. She could be dying
L. You could die, so sit down
Said Lucy (a girl also in the class, obviously)
L. I'm so worried about Mer. It's her free period
I wisperd to Amy
A. She'll be ok, so will derek
A few muinets later, which felt like hours, the police came in to tell us everything was ok he also told us that Mrs Fisher was dead, but I couldn't think about that, tho I just needed to know if merdith is ok we headed to the front of the school derek called us over he looked distraut
A. Derek, what's wrong
D. It merdith she's got shot. We need to go to the hospital now, she's in the ambulance. Let's take my car
My heart sunk to my stomach. I felt paralysed like my world stopped. I couldn't talk. I just got into the car amelia sat next to me. i hadn't cried yet
A. Lex, talk to me
She said, putting her hand on my knee
L. I- I can't lose her, Amy. I can't
A. You won't. we don't even know her condition yet
She said, putting her arm around me
L. Ok yea your right
We got to the hospital and headed to the reception desk
D. Hello, we're looking for merdith Grey from the shooting
R. Yes, she's in surgery. Take a seat, and the doctors will update you
D. Ok, thank you
L+A. Thank you
On the way to the seats, we bumped into Dr. webber
R. Lexie, lexie grey, what are you doing here
L. Dr. webber hi merdith is here she got hurt during the shooing
R. Omg that's awful
Then his pager beeped
R. Sorry, I must go. i hope merdith is ok
L. Thank you
We then sat down
A. Who was that
L. Richard webber, he is my mums friend. I've known him since I was younger and me and Mer used to come here instead of daycare
A few mins later
D. What's taking so long?
Derek asked
A. I'll go ask if there's any updates
I'm getting more and more worried every second, like derek is Amy left to go ask me and derek sat there in scilence until Amy came back
A. No updates but Mum texted me saying she's on her way
D. That's good
I just sat there for what felt like an eternity staring into space, not knowing if merdith would be ok or not blocking out people around me, Carolyn came she holded my shoulder for a few seconds then sat down I can't loose mer she's really the only close family I have my mum and dad don't care for us so we care for eachother if I lose her I lose a part of myself too I didn't realise I had tears in my eyes until amelia put her arm around me rubbing my arm then the Dr came out
Dr. Merdith Grey
C. That's us
Dr. She is going to be ok. She got a bullet to the abdomen, but we removed it she's asleep for now room 221
L. Thank you so much
I said, hugging the Dr she was taken by surprise but hugged back
Dr. O.o... your welcome
I let go
L. Sorry
Derek Carolyn and amelia said thank you, and we got to the room. merdith was all tubed up it was horrible
D. Lex, you go in first
L. R u sure
D. Yes, we'll wait here
L. Ok, thank you
I went in and sat on the chair next to her bed she was asleep like the doctor said, and I still held her hand, though
L. Merdith Safron Grey don't you ever scare me like that again I know you can't hear me and I probably sound like mum but you scared the shit out of me anyway I love you tho and I was petrified for you and I don't know what I would of done with out you
Just then merdiths eyes opened
M. I heard all of that lex I love you too so much
L. Your a bitch
M. Not very nice I just said I love you
L. I love you
I then huged her and started crying
M. Your crying
L. Your breathing
M. Aww

Authors note
This is not proof read either sorry if it doesn't make sense and theres like a bunch of different tenses hope you enjoy comment any ideas you may have and ill do them.
M 💐✨️ .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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