Chapter 1

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In the dimly lit office of Headmistress Bonten, the female caretaker shifted nervously, her hands wringing in agitation. Her eyes darted around the room, avoiding the stern gaze of the headmistress as she voiced her concerns.

"A-Are you sure we can't get rid of him? He...he'd be a danger to the other children," the caretaker stammered, her voice trembling with unease.

Headmistress Bonten, a formidable figure seated behind her desk, fixed a withering scowl upon the caretaker. Her steely demeanor reflected the authority she wielded within the walls of the orphanage, a force to be reckoned with.

"We are not getting rid of the child just because he's a disgusting waste of space," Bonten retorted sharply, her voice laced with disdain. "The Hokage's orders are clear, and they come with a hefty sum of money. We're paid to keep track of him, and that money is crucial for the improvements this house desperately needs."

The caretaker winced at the harsh words, her discomfort palpable in the oppressive silence that followed. She shuffled nervously, regretting her decision to voice her reservations.

Bonten's expression softened slightly, a brief moment of begrudging understanding flickering across her features. "We can use the funds to make substantial improvements around here. Better living conditions, nutritious meals for the children... We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip away just because you can't stand to look at the child."

The caretaker nodded meekly, her eyes downcast, as she reluctantly acquiesced to the headmistress's directives. Despite her misgivings, the weight of responsibility and the promise of betterment for the orphanage tempered her objections.

The caretaker's feeble attempt to voice her concerns was swiftly quashed by Headmistress Bonten's stern interruption, her voice cutting through the air like a sharp blade.

"B-But... but having him next to the Uchiha–" the caretaker started, her voice trembling with apprehension.

"What have I told you!" Bonten's voice thundered, her glare icy and unwavering. "He is no longer Uchiha. His parents are dead, and he was disowned because of his disability. He'll never be able to mold chakra or become a ninja. The Uchiha have no use for him. You will do well to never mention that name again. The same goes for the demon brat. You are not to mention anything about the monster, do you understand?"

The caretaker wilted under the weight of Bonten's words, her voice barely a whisper as she stammered, "Y-yes, Headmistress."

"Good," Bonten affirmed with an air of finality. "Now go to the basement and take care of the laundry. It's been piling up for too long."

"Yes, Headmistress," the caretaker acquiesced, casting one last glance toward the headmistress before scurrying out of the office, her unease and inner conflict evident in her hurried steps.

Scene Change

In the tranquility of the orphanage's backyard, Toji and Naruto stood beneath the grand expanse of the largest tree, bathed in the golden hues of sunlight filtering through the leaves. A gentle breeze swirled around them, carrying the promise of a perfect day for training—an ideal backdrop for sharpening their skills in the art of taijutsu.

The imposing presence of the tree marked Toji's claimed territory, its sprawling branches a testament to the secluded training ground he had established. Other children steered clear of this area, well aware of Toji's reputation and the repercussions of challenging his authority.

Toji's stance exuded an air of confident readiness, his dark hair tousled by the playful breeze as he faced Naruto a few feet away. He beckoned the younger boy with a challenging yet encouraging tone. "Well? Come on, try to punch me."

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